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Messages - Maniak2000

Definitions  from 11.28.13

Skype:  Installed version -      "Update Failed Exit Code 1603" message, if trying to update anyway

Windows Repair: Installed version - 2.1.0    Seems to update fine, but then lists as outdated anyway.
1)  Make "Other software" section color coded, like "Common software" is. Because right now there's no way to tell what's installed \ updated \ outdated in other software by looking at it

2) Add something like "Scanning...." window \ note  before program starts.  Because in some cases it can take a while before program main window appears, so sometimes people wonder if it's working at all.

3) Add "Russian" to "Download software in the following language, if available."  if possible.

4) Add 7Zip 64 bit  to "Other software"
Also, here's a review (not mine) of your software with few suggestions.  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aZuWruHCLSw