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Messages - wokkeltje

This is probably an issue of the software itselve, but on their website they write the following about how to upgrade
2.8 WhatÔÇÖs the best way to upgrade?

ThatÔÇÖs a matter of taste. For most people the best thing to do is to uninstall R (see the previous Q), install the new version, copy any installed packages to the library folder in the new installation, run update.packages(checkBuilt=TRUE, ask=FALSE) in the new R and then delete anything left of the old installation. Different versions of R are quite deliberately installed in parallel folders so you can keep old versions around if you wish.

For those with a personal library (folder R\win-library\x.y of your home directory, R\win64-library\x.y on 64-bit builds), you will need to update that too when the minor version of R changes (e.g. from 3.0.2 to 3.1.0). A simple way to do so is to copy (say) R\win-library\3.0 to R\win-library\3.1 before running update.packages(checkBuilt=TRUE, ask=FALSE).

It would be nice to have a possibility to uninstall previous versions during update.
we use the publishing service and I republished the update (in SCCM I see the date in the update name)
I noticed that the disable self updater function is not working for the Java update. The Update tab is still visible and scheduled to notify before download after the update.

We use the following to completely disable the update (we extract the msi from the exe installer)
msiexec /i jre1.8.0_171.msi JU=0 JAVAUPDATE=0 AUTOUPDATECHECK=0 RebootYesNo=No WEB_JAVA=1 /q
This command also hides the update tab.

I can't find a solution to patch the Visual C++ redistributable tools installed on every PC.
In Software Update Management or WSUS I don't seem to find a category I can use to enable them.

Can Patch My PC integrate them?

Especially version 2017 would be nice.
Older versions (I think pre 2013) don't upgrade but install a newer version next to the older one. so this is most likely not what we want. newer versions correctly upgrade (version 2015 upgrades to version 2017)

PDFSam installer has the following possible options during install

Can these be added to the catalog?

This tool is not detected when not installed on the default location on the C drive.
We install SQL server on a separate drive.

MS has released the same update on 15/12/2018 and this one is detecting our installations correctly.
issue fixed, only the Adobe certificate was in a blocked state in SCCM.

can not remember I blocked this single certificate.
We receive an error when installing the TeamViewer 13 update. Any idea what can be the reason? Other updates are working OK.

<![LOG[Successfully completed synchronous searching of updates.]LOG]!><time="09:02:00.837-60" date="01-04-2019" component="WUAHandler" context="" type="1" thread="1376" file="cwuahandler.cpp:980">
<![LOG[1. Update: 0d6bb41c-cfd5-474f-99a3-9b0c48e581c5, 2   BundledUpdates: 0]LOG]!><time="09:02:01.054-60" date="01-04-2019" component="WUAHandler" context="" type="1" thread="1376" file="cwuahandler.cpp:1698">
<![LOG[1. Update (Missing): TeamViewer 13.2.26558 (0d6bb41c-cfd5-474f-99a3-9b0c48e581c5, 2)]LOG]!><time="09:02:01.054-60" date="01-04-2019" component="WUAHandler" context="" type="1" thread="1376" file="cwuahandler.cpp:1820">
<![LOG[Async installation of updates started.]LOG]!><time="09:02:01.639-60" date="01-04-2019" component="WUAHandler" context="" type="1" thread="1376" file="cwuahandler.cpp:2273">
<![LOG[Update 1 (0d6bb41c-cfd5-474f-99a3-9b0c48e581c5) finished installing (0x80070002), Reboot Required? No]LOG]!><time="09:02:03.073-60" date="01-04-2019" component="WUAHandler" context="" type="1" thread="10632" file="cwuahandler.cpp:2451">
<![LOG[Async install completed.]LOG]!><time="09:02:03.073-60" date="01-04-2019" component="WUAHandler" context="" type="1" thread="10632" file="cwuahandler.cpp:2478">
<![LOG[Installation job encountered some failures. Error = 0x80240022. Commit Result = 0x00000001.]LOG]!><time="09:02:03.074-60" date="01-04-2019" component="WUAHandler" context="" type="2" thread="1376" file="cwuahandler.cpp:4351">
<![LOG[Installation of updates completed.]LOG]!><time="09:02:03.074-60" date="01-04-2019" component="WUAHandler" context="" type="1" thread="1376" file="cwuahandler.cpp:4742">
Is there a possibility to use native SCCM patching and still use Pre/post installation scripts and kill processes feature?

An example:
* Citrix HDX RealTime Media Engine can't be installed if wfica32.exe is running. currently the update is failing since our users are constantly working in a Citrix session, so the process is running the whole day.
* Oracle Java update does not disable update feature when installing the new version, how can we add the following install parameters? JU=0 JAVAUPDATE=0 AUTOUPDATECHECK=0 RebootYesNo=No WEB_JAVA=1
