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I've just started trialling the Patch My PC publishing service for my company and I'm getting the below error for all versions of Adobe Flash. I've checked the FAQ and it doesn't seem to be a firewall issue as I can successfully download the executable. This being my first time using the product I'm not exactly sure how to troubleshoot it. Is there something that I'm doing wrong?

Starting download for: https://fpdownload.macromedia.com/pub/flashplayer/pdc/ Downloader 31/03/2019 19:00:12 6 (0x0006)
Finished downloading file. Average Speed : 6.3 MB/s (20 MB) Downloader 31/03/2019 19:00:15 6 (0x0006)
Successfully downloaded the update Worker 31/03/2019 19:00:15 6 (0x0006)
Digest of the downloaded update doesn't match the digest from the catalog: Hash from catalog [TAVOG41v3uoN3La1PbiePf2TEQ4=] doesn...t match downloaded update hash of [/IsHToGKRTBKN3RfbVnUrzngc60=] Worker 31/03/2019 19:00:16 6 (0x0006)
FYI - I also checked WUAHandler logs and found the below error, we have another WSUS setup on a different server that is currently handling our WU.

Is it possible to have both running at the same time? Or do I have to install SCCM on our existing WSUS server?

QuoteGroup policy settings were overwritten by a higher authority (Domain Controller) to: Server http://ourwsusserver:8530 and Policy ENABLED   WUAHandler   31/10/2018 14:49:52   18528 (0x4860)
I have it deployed to a test collection of 2 machines, if that's what you mean. Otherwise, under All Software Updates it says Required = 0. But the test machines have 7zip 16.04 and Notepad++ 7.5.6 installed, so really they should be showing up as required?
Quote from: Justin Chalfant on October 30, 2018, 04:01:13 PM
Are the updates showing as required in the SCCM console?

At first I simply set them to available to see if they would show up, but did not. So I then changed them to required and they're still not appearing in the Software Center.
Recently installed WSUS onto our SCCM server, all the updates are showing up for Patch My PC and I can download them without any problems.

On my two test clients I've installed an old version of 7zip and Notepad++ 64bit. On the clients I can see the self-signed certificate and client settings have applied the changes to the local computer policy to allow signed updates. I'm using an ADR to deploy both updates to the machines and it's reporting back as downloaded and deployed.

I've forced the Software Deployment Scan on the machines but I still cannot see the updates in the Software Center Updates tab - any assistance would be greatly appreciated! :)