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Messages - EntrustDatacard

Ok thanks for the info. I'm not going to install the install files you gave me then until all the apps are added. Thanks for the heads up!

Andy K
I got the link and have downloaded the new reports. Thanks!

I'll let ya know what I see when I get time to install them. I have a bunch of customized stuff that I wanna move around and clean up first so I'll let ya know.

Andy K
From what I just heard you have added all the apps I asked about to the new PathcMyPC reports v1.1 beta correct?

Andy K
Where can I get a copy of PatchMyPC Reports v1.1 beta? Thanks again for looking into this. I appreciate all the help!!

I get what your saying. One thing that might be nice is instead of choosing all the applications default for a report. Let us choose multiple apps for the reports. Do a check box next to each application so if I want to check all the apps and let SQL run for a few hours I can. Or if a manager needs to know, What versions of Adobe AIR, Flash and Reader do we have running on the desktops right now. I can go in check all 3 and run the version report. I know you'll find a way. Thanks again let me know if I can help out at all.

Andy K
Any update on this one? Its been about a month and a half since I made the request and I was told it will work. I'd like to save myself a few hours of time having to run all these reports again soon.

Andy K
FYI if anyone needs to apply for the distribution license use the link below. Then wait 3 days. Annoying I know. I am supposed to push out a package literally yesterday and now I find all this out and need to wait 3 days to get approved :( Adobe sucks!!!!!!!!!


Andy K
I've applied for a distribution license but I'm surprised I cannot use the link any longer. Is PatchMyPC asking all its customers to sign up for an Adobe Distribution license? Why wasn't there an email or notification from them saying this would no longer work?

Andy K
I'm trying to push out Flash but the download URL is down. Does anyone else have this issue or know how to get the MSI?


Bunnytheis see my post above. You need to view in print mode. My MS word was defaulting to web layout which I usually like but you need print mode to view all the data.
I've had my questions answered on this. If the admin whats he can place this topic in the completed bucket.

Andy k
I have modified my reports to be able to search for manual text entries so I searched for "Foxit%" and I also see an app called Coxit Clund and Foxit Advanced PDF Editor. So oturais isn't alone. See below
I've gone through and manually run the 04 and 06 reports against the device groups I needed to. I have well over 150+ reports exported now. I've taken all the info and complied it into an Excel spreadsheet. Below is an example of what I've done. If you could put this detail in the new report your building and more that would be great. Thanks!
Any idea when PatchMyPC Reports v1.1 will be released?

Andy K
OK so this is really weird this must have something to do with my settings.

When I open up the report you sent me I CANNOT see the logo in the lower left side nor can I see the Unique Devices: 5 or Unique Version: 2. BUT when I check View | Edit Document it expands and I can see the logo and text. See 2 attachments for details.

Ok so then I think its just on my side. But when I open up any 04 report that I have exported it open up without the logo or text but I'm already in edit mode.

Nevermind I figure it all out and its 100% my fault. Turns out when open report "04" I'm default in Web Layout under the View tab. But if I select say Print Layout I can see the log and text. So its my settings on my MS word app.

I apologize for taking you your time. I know that can be annoying. But I really appreciate you giving me the time to process this on my own and finding the issue. FYI to all future report users. Use PRINT LAYOUT DO NOT USE WEB LAYOUT

You can close this post and move.

Andy K
ok then it must just be for me then weird. Again the export for report 06 works for me but for report 04 it does not. Humm weird. I am using MS Office 2013 Pro Plus.  No issues with anything else. I've exported about 60 reports will all the same results. Maybe it has to do with the report template or something? If you would like I can export my report and send it to you for analysis.

Andy K