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Messages - joeOPD

Hi All,

It appears that PDF 24 is not downloading or creating an error.  I could be wrong though.  The publisher does take approx 16 minutes which I would assume is including the 15 minute time out.  However, when I try to download from https://stx.pdf24.org/products/pdf-creator/download/pdf24-creator-10.7.0.msi it is successful.  It was downloading successfully 2 days ago.  Should I add it to the content repo?

Any ideas?

<![LOG[Creating new Intune application: PDF24 Creator 10.7.0 (x64)]LOG]!><time="09:43:15.474250" date="11-26-2021" component="Worker" context="" type="1" thread="7" file="">
<![LOG[Starting download with no proxy for: https://stx.pdf24.org/products/pdf-creator/download/pdf24-creator-10.7.0.msi]LOG]!><time="09:43:15.477246" date="11-26-2021" component="Downloader" context="" type="1" thread="7" file="">
<![LOG[Configured Download Timeout: 15 minutes and 0 seconds]LOG]!><time="09:43:15.478244" date="11-26-2021" component="WebClientEx" context="" type="1" thread="7" file="">
<![LOG[WebClient reported an error during download: An exception occurred during a WebClient request.]LOG]!><time="09:58:15.477708" date="11-26-2021" component="Downloader" context="" type="3" thread="23" file="">
Quote from: Andrew Jimenez on November 19, 2021, 02:38:00 PM
I would use a post install script. You can easily turn a registry file into a PowerShell script using this awesome tool: https://reg2ps.azurewebsites.net/

Does the form matter.  I used that tool but it didn't cover certain use cases.  This has some uncaught errors but when it runs out of the PS ISE it works great.  However, they aren't caught in a try catch

New-Item -Path 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\' -Name 'PDF24'
New-Item -Path 'HKCU:\SOFTWARE\' -Name 'PDF24'
Set-ItemProperty -LiteralPath 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\PDF24' -Name 'NoEmbeddedBrowser' -type 'dword' 1
    Set-ItemProperty -LiteralPath 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\PDF24' -Name 'NoFax' -type 'dword' 1
    Set-ItemProperty -LiteralPath 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\PDF24' -Name 'NoMail' -type 'dword' 1
    Set-ItemProperty -LiteralPath 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\PDF24' -Name 'NoOnlineConverter' -type 'dword' 1
    Set-ItemProperty -LiteralPath 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\PDF24' -Name 'NoOnlinePdfTools' -type 'dword' 1
    Set-ItemProperty -LiteralPath 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\PDF24' -Name 'NoPDF24MailInterface' -type 'dword' 1
    Set-ItemProperty -LiteralPath 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\PDF24' -Name 'NoReader' -type 'dword' 1
    Set-ItemProperty -LiteralPath 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\PDF24' -Name 'Fart' -type 'dword' 1
    Set-ItemProperty -LiteralPath 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\PDF24' -Name 'NoTrayIcon' -type 'dword' 1
Set-ItemProperty -LiteralPath 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\PDF24' -Name 'NoUpdateCheckBtns' -type 'dword' 1
Set-ItemProperty -LiteralPath 'HKCU:\SOFTWARE\PDF24' -Name 'NoEmbeddedBrowser' -type 'dword' 1
    Set-ItemProperty -LiteralPath 'HKCU:\SOFTWARE\PDF24' -Name 'NoFax' -type 'dword' 1
    Set-ItemProperty -LiteralPath 'HKCU:\SOFTWARE\PDF24' -Name 'NoMail' -type 'dword' 1
    Set-ItemProperty -LiteralPath 'HKCU:\SOFTWARE\PDF24' -Name 'NoOnlineConverter' -type 'dword' 1
    Set-ItemProperty -LiteralPath 'HKCU:\SOFTWARE\PDF24' -Name 'NoOnlinePdfTools' -type 'dword' 1
    Set-ItemProperty -LiteralPath 'HKCU:\SOFTWARE\PDF24' -Name 'NoPDF24MailInterface' -type 'dword' 1
    Set-ItemProperty -LiteralPath 'HKCU:\SOFTWARE\PDF24' -Name 'NoReader' -type 'dword' 1
    Set-ItemProperty -LiteralPath 'HKCU:\SOFTWARE\PDF24' -Name 'Fart' -type 'dword' 1
Set-ItemProperty -LiteralPath 'HKCU:\SOFTWARE\PDF24' -Name 'NoTrayIcon' -type 'dword' 1
    Set-ItemProperty -LiteralPath 'HKCU:\SOFTWARE\PDF24' -Name 'NoUpdateCheckBtns' -type 'dword' 1
    return $true
What is the best way to add registry keys after install? We want to install PDF24 but add a bunch of regkeys after the fact

MSI Flags


Reg Key


Quote from: Jake Shackelford (Patch My PC) on October 05, 2021, 10:52:51 AM
Would you be able to send the following logs from that client device to [email protected]?

Hi All,
We've deployed updates for Adobe Reader in Intune.  My version is not updating.  In the Intune Console is says, "Install Not Applicable" despite me having a lower version.  I get a "app with name = Update for Adobe Acrobat DC Update 21.007.20095 dependency detect only is False" message in the log

![LOG[[Win32App] ExecManager: processing targeted app (name='Update for Adobe Acrobat DC Update 21.007.20095', id='01680435-9f1f-4d97-b56c-a6ceeb1a40d8') with intent=3, appApplicabilityStateDueToAssginmentFilters= for user session 1]LOG]!><time="13:20:03.8884629" date="10-4-2021" component="IntuneManagementExtension" context="" type="1" thread="18" file="">
<![LOG[[Win32App] ProcessAppWithDependencies starts for 01680435-9f1f-4d97-b56c-a6ceeb1a40d8 with name Update for Adobe Acrobat DC Update 21.007.20095]LOG]!><time="13:20:03.8884629" date="10-4-2021" component="IntuneManagementExtension" context="" type="1" thread="18" file="">
<![LOG[[Win32App] This is a standalone app, id = 01680435-9f1f-4d97-b56c-a6ceeb1a40d8, name = Update for Adobe Acrobat DC Update 21.007.20095]LOG]!><time="13:20:03.8884629" date="10-4-2021" component="IntuneManagementExtension" context="" type="1" thread="18" file="">
<![LOG[---->>[Win32App] Processing app (id=01680435-9f1f-4d97-b56c-a6ceeb1a40d8, name = Update for Adobe Acrobat DC Update 21.007.20095) with mode = DetectInstall]LOG]!><time="13:20:03.8884629" date="10-4-2021" component="IntuneManagementExtension" context="" type="2" thread="18" file="">
<![LOG[----[Win32App] app with name = Update for Adobe Acrobat DC Update 21.007.20095 dependency detect only is False]LOG]!><time="13:20:03.8884629" date="10-4-2021" component="IntuneManagementExtension" context="" type="2" thread="18" file="">
We got this error in the agent executor log:
error = File C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Intune Management
Extension\Content\DetectionScripts\9981fd23-3459-47c8-8a29-eb5bb33ef7f0_1.ps1 cannot be loaded. A certificate chain
processed, but terminated in a root certificate which is not trusted by the trust provider.
    + CategoryInfo          : SecurityError: (:) [], ParentContainsErrorRecordException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : UnauthorizedAccess

I've deployed a cert from our PMP server from WSUS to my clients Trust Publishers and Trusted Root CA and it worked!
We just got our Intune/PMP environment set up.  We deployed Java 8 with no problem but we are having issues uninstalling Java 7.  Any ideas on what might be going on?  I have set the assignment to uninstall (see screenshot).  I have it in the IntuneApps.  I'm trying IntuneUpdates now as well.