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Topics - kroonri

We get the same error on all devices that try to install the update.
Attached is a screen shot from the error in software center.

1. Update (Missing): Oracle Java 8 Update 251 8.0.2510.8 (x64) (84d06e66-dfad-44d4-b6f2-05012b3502be, 3)   WUAHandler   4-5-2020 19:28:17   38904 (0x97F8)
Async installation of updates started.   WUAHandler   4-5-2020 19:28:17   38904 (0x97F8)
Update 1 (84d06e66-dfad-44d4-b6f2-05012b3502be) finished installing (0x80240017), Reboot Required? No   WUAHandler   4-5-2020 19:28:18   33020 (0x80FC)
Async install completed.   WUAHandler   4-5-2020 19:28:18   33020 (0x80FC)
Installation job encountered some failures. Job Result = 0x80240022.   WUAHandler   4-5-2020 19:28:18   38904 (0x97F8)

Starting job with id = {03904DC0-69A6-4637-B473-85B41AA4ABA7}   UpdatesHandler   4-5-2020 19:22:05   6024 (0x1788)
WmiGetForceDeltaDownloadMinOSBuild - Wmi repository check passed.   UpdatesHandler   4-5-2020 19:22:05   6024 (0x1788)
IsForceDeltaDownload - Wmi return  MinOsBuild=16299, bOsAllowForceDeltaDownload=1   UpdatesHandler   4-5-2020 19:22:05   6024 (0x1788)
Initiating Scan. Forced = (0)   UpdatesHandler   4-5-2020 19:22:05   6024 (0x1788)
Successfully initiated scan for job ({03904DC0-69A6-4637-B473-85B41AA4ABA7}).   UpdatesHandler   4-5-2020 19:22:05   6024 (0x1788)
Scan completion received for job ({03904DC0-69A6-4637-B473-85B41AA4ABA7}).   UpdatesHandler   4-5-2020 19:22:05   33736 (0x83C8)
Evaluating status of the updates for the job ({03904DC0-69A6-4637-B473-85B41AA4ABA7}).   UpdatesHandler   4-5-2020 19:22:05   33736 (0x83C8)
Initiating download for the job ({03904DC0-69A6-4637-B473-85B41AA4ABA7}).   UpdatesHandler   4-5-2020 19:22:05   33736 (0x83C8)
FullAndExpress file does not exist for UpdateID [84d06e66-dfad-44d4-b6f2-05012b3502be]. Creating new file [C:\WINDOWS\CCM\Temp\Delta_84d06e66-dfad-44d4-b6f2-05012b3502be]   UpdatesHandler   4-5-2020 19:22:05   33736 (0x83C8)
FullAndExpress file for UpdateID [84d06e66-dfad-44d4-b6f2-05012b3502be] created   UpdatesHandler   4-5-2020 19:22:05   33736 (0x83C8)
No download info associated with update 84d06e66-dfad-44d4-b6f2-05012b3502be   UpdatesHandler   4-5-2020 19:22:05   33736 (0x83C8)
CAtomicUpdate::ScheduleDownloadTimer - Timer started, download will timeout in 864000 seconds   UpdatesHandler   4-5-2020 19:23:04   33736 (0x83C8)
ContentAvailable notification received from CAS.   UpdatesHandler   4-5-2020 19:26:23   34976 (0x88A0)
Contents downloaded successfully for Update (84d06e66-dfad-44d4-b6f2-05012b3502be).   UpdatesHandler   4-5-2020 19:26:23   34976 (0x88A0)
Download completed for the job ({03904DC0-69A6-4637-B473-85B41AA4ABA7}).   UpdatesHandler   4-5-2020 19:26:23   7496 (0x1D48)
Successfully sent job ({03904DC0-69A6-4637-B473-85B41AA4ABA7}) success completion to the SdmAgent   UpdatesHandler   4-5-2020 19:26:23   7496 (0x1D48)
CompleteJob received from SDM.   UpdatesHandler   4-5-2020 19:26:23   38904 (0x97F8)
Complete - Job ({03904DC0-69A6-4637-B473-85B41AA4ABA7}) Cleanup.   UpdatesHandler   4-5-2020 19:26:23   38904 (0x97F8)
Deleting FullAndExpress file at C:\WINDOWS\CCM\Temp\Delta_84d06e66-dfad-44d4-b6f2-05012b3502be   UpdatesHandler   4-5-2020 19:26:23   38904 (0x97F8)
CompleteJob - Job ({03904DC0-69A6-4637-B473-85B41AA4ABA7}) removed from job manager list.   UpdatesHandler   4-5-2020 19:26:23   38904 (0x97F8)
Initiating updates scan for checking applicability.   UpdatesHandler   4-5-2020 19:26:23   7496 (0x1D48)
Successfully initiated scan.   UpdatesHandler   4-5-2020 19:26:23   7496 (0x1D48)
Updates scan completion received, result = 0x0.   UpdatesHandler   4-5-2020 19:26:23   38904 (0x97F8)
Method (Apply) called from SDM.   UpdatesHandler   4-5-2020 19:26:23   34976 (0x88A0)
Starting job with id = {6304CF71-18C2-4338-A372-C1EAC5E643A6}   UpdatesHandler   4-5-2020 19:26:23   34976 (0x88A0)
WmiGetForceDeltaDownloadMinOSBuild - Wmi repository check passed.   UpdatesHandler   4-5-2020 19:26:23   34976 (0x88A0)
IsForceDeltaDownload - Wmi return  MinOsBuild=16299, bOsAllowForceDeltaDownload=1   UpdatesHandler   4-5-2020 19:26:23   34976 (0x88A0)
Initiating Scan. Forced = (0)   UpdatesHandler   4-5-2020 19:26:23   34976 (0x88A0)
Successfully initiated scan for job ({6304CF71-18C2-4338-A372-C1EAC5E643A6}).   UpdatesHandler   4-5-2020 19:26:24   34976 (0x88A0)
Scan completion received for job ({6304CF71-18C2-4338-A372-C1EAC5E643A6}).   UpdatesHandler   4-5-2020 19:26:24   7496 (0x1D48)
Evaluating status of the updates for the job ({6304CF71-18C2-4338-A372-C1EAC5E643A6}).   UpdatesHandler   4-5-2020 19:26:24   7496 (0x1D48)
Initiating download for the job ({6304CF71-18C2-4338-A372-C1EAC5E643A6}).   UpdatesHandler   4-5-2020 19:26:24   7496 (0x1D48)
FullAndExpress file does not exist for UpdateID [84d06e66-dfad-44d4-b6f2-05012b3502be]. Creating new file [C:\WINDOWS\CCM\Temp\Delta_84d06e66-dfad-44d4-b6f2-05012b3502be]   UpdatesHandler   4-5-2020 19:26:24   7496 (0x1D48)
FullAndExpress file for UpdateID [84d06e66-dfad-44d4-b6f2-05012b3502be] created   UpdatesHandler   4-5-2020 19:26:24   7496 (0x1D48)
No download info associated with update 84d06e66-dfad-44d4-b6f2-05012b3502be   UpdatesHandler   4-5-2020 19:26:24   7496 (0x1D48)
CAtomicUpdate::ScheduleDownloadTimer - Timer started, download will timeout in 864000 seconds   UpdatesHandler   4-5-2020 19:27:21   7496 (0x1D48)
ContentAvailable notification received from CAS.   UpdatesHandler   4-5-2020 19:27:21   38904 (0x97F8)
Contents downloaded successfully for Update (84d06e66-dfad-44d4-b6f2-05012b3502be).   UpdatesHandler   4-5-2020 19:27:21   38904 (0x97F8)
Download completed for the job ({6304CF71-18C2-4338-A372-C1EAC5E643A6}).   UpdatesHandler   4-5-2020 19:27:21   19352 (0x4B98)
Job in ready state. Triggering software update policy.   UpdatesHandler   4-5-2020 19:27:21   19352 (0x4B98)
IMaintenanceCoordinator::GetTaskState failed because MTC job has not been created yet.   UpdatesHandler   4-5-2020 19:27:21   19352 (0x4B98)
Request a MTC task for execution request request id: {5765FC35-3260-49E1-B701-3BD7CC28A197}   UpdatesHandler   4-5-2020 19:27:21   19352 (0x4B98)
MTC task with id {5765FC35-3260-49E1-B701-3BD7CC28A197}, changed state from 0 to 4   UpdatesHandler   4-5-2020 19:27:21   35260 (0x89BC)
Job {6304CF71-18C2-4338-A372-C1EAC5E643A6} is starting execution   UpdatesHandler   4-5-2020 19:27:21   35260 (0x89BC)
Sending ack to MTC for task with id: {5765FC35-3260-49E1-B701-3BD7CC28A197}   UpdatesHandler   4-5-2020 19:27:21   35260 (0x89BC)
Job ({6304CF71-18C2-4338-A372-C1EAC5E643A6}) already connected, start processing   UpdatesHandler   4-5-2020 19:27:21   35260 (0x89BC)
Initiating Scan. Forced = (0)   UpdatesHandler   4-5-2020 19:27:21   35260 (0x89BC)
Successfully initiated scan for job ({6304CF71-18C2-4338-A372-C1EAC5E643A6}).   UpdatesHandler   4-5-2020 19:27:21   35260 (0x89BC)
MTC task with id {5765FC35-3260-49E1-B701-3BD7CC28A197}, changed state from 4 to 5   UpdatesHandler   4-5-2020 19:27:21   35260 (0x89BC)
No change in the handle state. Ignoring.   UpdatesHandler   4-5-2020 19:27:21   35260 (0x89BC)
Scan completion received for job ({6304CF71-18C2-4338-A372-C1EAC5E643A6}).   UpdatesHandler   4-5-2020 19:27:21   38904 (0x97F8)
Evaluating status of the updates for the job ({6304CF71-18C2-4338-A372-C1EAC5E643A6}).   UpdatesHandler   4-5-2020 19:27:21   38904 (0x97F8)
CDeploymentJob::InstallUpdatesInBatch - Batch or non-batch install is not in progress for the job ({6304CF71-18C2-4338-A372-C1EAC5E643A6}). So allowing install..   UpdatesHandler   4-5-2020 19:27:21   38904 (0x97F8)
No download info associated with update 84d06e66-dfad-44d4-b6f2-05012b3502be   UpdatesHandler   4-5-2020 19:27:21   38904 (0x97F8)
CDeploymentJob::InstallUpdatesInBatch - Resetting install flag to false as method is complete   UpdatesHandler   4-5-2020 19:28:17   38904 (0x97F8)
WSUS update (84d06e66-dfad-44d4-b6f2-05012b3502be) installation result = 0x80240017, Reboot State = NoReboot   UpdatesHandler   4-5-2020 19:28:18   33020 (0x80FC)
Update execution failed.   UpdatesHandler   4-5-2020 19:28:18   33020 (0x80FC)
Starting non batched updates processing   UpdatesHandler   4-5-2020 19:28:18   7496 (0x1D48)
CDeploymentJob::ExecuteUpdates - Batch or non-batch install is not in progress for the job ({6304CF71-18C2-4338-A372-C1EAC5E643A6}). So allowing install..   UpdatesHandler   4-5-2020 19:28:18   7496 (0x1D48)
Executing the updates for the job ({6304CF71-18C2-4338-A372-C1EAC5E643A6}).   UpdatesHandler   4-5-2020 19:28:18   7496 (0x1D48)
CDeploymentJob::ExecuteUpdates - Resetting install flag to false as method is complete   UpdatesHandler   4-5-2020 19:28:18   7496 (0x1D48)
Execution completed for the job ({6304CF71-18C2-4338-A372-C1EAC5E643A6}).   UpdatesHandler   4-5-2020 19:28:18   7496 (0x1D48)
Requesting MTC to delete task with id: {5765FC35-3260-49E1-B701-3BD7CC28A197}   UpdatesHandler   4-5-2020 19:28:18   7496 (0x1D48)
Successfully sent job ({6304CF71-18C2-4338-A372-C1EAC5E643A6}) success completion to the SdmAgent   UpdatesHandler   4-5-2020 19:28:18   7496 (0x1D48)
Deployment Job not found for the supplied MTC Task id: {5765FC35-3260-49E1-B701-3BD7CC28A197}   UpdatesHandler   4-5-2020 19:28:18   35260 (0x89BC)
CompleteJob received from SDM.   UpdatesHandler   4-5-2020 19:28:18   38904 (0x97F8)
Complete - Job ({6304CF71-18C2-4338-A372-C1EAC5E643A6}) Cleanup.   UpdatesHandler   4-5-2020 19:28:18   38904 (0x97F8)
Deleting FullAndExpress file at C:\WINDOWS\CCM\Temp\Delta_84d06e66-dfad-44d4-b6f2-05012b3502be   UpdatesHandler   4-5-2020 19:28:18   38904 (0x97F8)
CompleteJob - Job ({6304CF71-18C2-4338-A372-C1EAC5E643A6}) removed from job manager list.   UpdatesHandler   4-5-2020 19:28:18   38904 (0x97F8)

These are the first that go bad like this.
Hopefully you can help me with this.
We get the same error on all devices that try to install the update.
Attached is a screen shot from the error in software center.

1. Update (Missing): Oracle Java 8 Update 251 8.0.2510.8 (x64) (84d06e66-dfad-44d4-b6f2-05012b3502be, 3)   WUAHandler   4-5-2020 19:28:17   38904 (0x97F8)
Async installation of updates started.   WUAHandler   4-5-2020 19:28:17   38904 (0x97F8)
Update 1 (84d06e66-dfad-44d4-b6f2-05012b3502be) finished installing (0x80240017), Reboot Required? No   WUAHandler   4-5-2020 19:28:18   33020 (0x80FC)
Async install completed.   WUAHandler   4-5-2020 19:28:18   33020 (0x80FC)
Installation job encountered some failures. Job Result = 0x80240022.   WUAHandler   4-5-2020 19:28:18   38904 (0x97F8)

Starting job with id = {03904DC0-69A6-4637-B473-85B41AA4ABA7}   UpdatesHandler   4-5-2020 19:22:05   6024 (0x1788)
WmiGetForceDeltaDownloadMinOSBuild - Wmi repository check passed.   UpdatesHandler   4-5-2020 19:22:05   6024 (0x1788)
IsForceDeltaDownload - Wmi return  MinOsBuild=16299, bOsAllowForceDeltaDownload=1   UpdatesHandler   4-5-2020 19:22:05   6024 (0x1788)
Initiating Scan. Forced = (0)   UpdatesHandler   4-5-2020 19:22:05   6024 (0x1788)
Successfully initiated scan for job ({03904DC0-69A6-4637-B473-85B41AA4ABA7}).   UpdatesHandler   4-5-2020 19:22:05   6024 (0x1788)
Scan completion received for job ({03904DC0-69A6-4637-B473-85B41AA4ABA7}).   UpdatesHandler   4-5-2020 19:22:05   33736 (0x83C8)
Evaluating status of the updates for the job ({03904DC0-69A6-4637-B473-85B41AA4ABA7}).   UpdatesHandler   4-5-2020 19:22:05   33736 (0x83C8)
Initiating download for the job ({03904DC0-69A6-4637-B473-85B41AA4ABA7}).   UpdatesHandler   4-5-2020 19:22:05   33736 (0x83C8)
FullAndExpress file does not exist for UpdateID [84d06e66-dfad-44d4-b6f2-05012b3502be]. Creating new file [C:\WINDOWS\CCM\Temp\Delta_84d06e66-dfad-44d4-b6f2-05012b3502be]   UpdatesHandler   4-5-2020 19:22:05   33736 (0x83C8)
FullAndExpress file for UpdateID [84d06e66-dfad-44d4-b6f2-05012b3502be] created   UpdatesHandler   4-5-2020 19:22:05   33736 (0x83C8)
No download info associated with update 84d06e66-dfad-44d4-b6f2-05012b3502be   UpdatesHandler   4-5-2020 19:22:05   33736 (0x83C8)
CAtomicUpdate::ScheduleDownloadTimer - Timer started, download will timeout in 864000 seconds   UpdatesHandler   4-5-2020 19:23:04   33736 (0x83C8)
ContentAvailable notification received from CAS.   UpdatesHandler   4-5-2020 19:26:23   34976 (0x88A0)
Contents downloaded successfully for Update (84d06e66-dfad-44d4-b6f2-05012b3502be).   UpdatesHandler   4-5-2020 19:26:23   34976 (0x88A0)
Download completed for the job ({03904DC0-69A6-4637-B473-85B41AA4ABA7}).   UpdatesHandler   4-5-2020 19:26:23   7496 (0x1D48)
Successfully sent job ({03904DC0-69A6-4637-B473-85B41AA4ABA7}) success completion to the SdmAgent   UpdatesHandler   4-5-2020 19:26:23   7496 (0x1D48)
CompleteJob received from SDM.   UpdatesHandler   4-5-2020 19:26:23   38904 (0x97F8)
Complete - Job ({03904DC0-69A6-4637-B473-85B41AA4ABA7}) Cleanup.   UpdatesHandler   4-5-2020 19:26:23   38904 (0x97F8)
Deleting FullAndExpress file at C:\WINDOWS\CCM\Temp\Delta_84d06e66-dfad-44d4-b6f2-05012b3502be   UpdatesHandler   4-5-2020 19:26:23   38904 (0x97F8)
CompleteJob - Job ({03904DC0-69A6-4637-B473-85B41AA4ABA7}) removed from job manager list.   UpdatesHandler   4-5-2020 19:26:23   38904 (0x97F8)
Initiating updates scan for checking applicability.   UpdatesHandler   4-5-2020 19:26:23   7496 (0x1D48)
Successfully initiated scan.   UpdatesHandler   4-5-2020 19:26:23   7496 (0x1D48)
Updates scan completion received, result = 0x0.   UpdatesHandler   4-5-2020 19:26:23   38904 (0x97F8)
Method (Apply) called from SDM.   UpdatesHandler   4-5-2020 19:26:23   34976 (0x88A0)
Starting job with id = {6304CF71-18C2-4338-A372-C1EAC5E643A6}   UpdatesHandler   4-5-2020 19:26:23   34976 (0x88A0)
WmiGetForceDeltaDownloadMinOSBuild - Wmi repository check passed.   UpdatesHandler   4-5-2020 19:26:23   34976 (0x88A0)
IsForceDeltaDownload - Wmi return  MinOsBuild=16299, bOsAllowForceDeltaDownload=1   UpdatesHandler   4-5-2020 19:26:23   34976 (0x88A0)
Initiating Scan. Forced = (0)   UpdatesHandler   4-5-2020 19:26:23   34976 (0x88A0)
Successfully initiated scan for job ({6304CF71-18C2-4338-A372-C1EAC5E643A6}).   UpdatesHandler   4-5-2020 19:26:24   34976 (0x88A0)
Scan completion received for job ({6304CF71-18C2-4338-A372-C1EAC5E643A6}).   UpdatesHandler   4-5-2020 19:26:24   7496 (0x1D48)
Evaluating status of the updates for the job ({6304CF71-18C2-4338-A372-C1EAC5E643A6}).   UpdatesHandler   4-5-2020 19:26:24   7496 (0x1D48)
Initiating download for the job ({6304CF71-18C2-4338-A372-C1EAC5E643A6}).   UpdatesHandler   4-5-2020 19:26:24   7496 (0x1D48)
FullAndExpress file does not exist for UpdateID [84d06e66-dfad-44d4-b6f2-05012b3502be]. Creating new file [C:\WINDOWS\CCM\Temp\Delta_84d06e66-dfad-44d4-b6f2-05012b3502be]   UpdatesHandler   4-5-2020 19:26:24   7496 (0x1D48)
FullAndExpress file for UpdateID [84d06e66-dfad-44d4-b6f2-05012b3502be] created   UpdatesHandler   4-5-2020 19:26:24   7496 (0x1D48)
No download info associated with update 84d06e66-dfad-44d4-b6f2-05012b3502be   UpdatesHandler   4-5-2020 19:26:24   7496 (0x1D48)
CAtomicUpdate::ScheduleDownloadTimer - Timer started, download will timeout in 864000 seconds   UpdatesHandler   4-5-2020 19:27:21   7496 (0x1D48)
ContentAvailable notification received from CAS.   UpdatesHandler   4-5-2020 19:27:21   38904 (0x97F8)
Contents downloaded successfully for Update (84d06e66-dfad-44d4-b6f2-05012b3502be).   UpdatesHandler   4-5-2020 19:27:21   38904 (0x97F8)
Download completed for the job ({6304CF71-18C2-4338-A372-C1EAC5E643A6}).   UpdatesHandler   4-5-2020 19:27:21   19352 (0x4B98)
Job in ready state. Triggering software update policy.   UpdatesHandler   4-5-2020 19:27:21   19352 (0x4B98)
IMaintenanceCoordinator::GetTaskState failed because MTC job has not been created yet.   UpdatesHandler   4-5-2020 19:27:21   19352 (0x4B98)
Request a MTC task for execution request request id: {5765FC35-3260-49E1-B701-3BD7CC28A197}   UpdatesHandler   4-5-2020 19:27:21   19352 (0x4B98)
MTC task with id {5765FC35-3260-49E1-B701-3BD7CC28A197}, changed state from 0 to 4   UpdatesHandler   4-5-2020 19:27:21   35260 (0x89BC)
Job {6304CF71-18C2-4338-A372-C1EAC5E643A6} is starting execution   UpdatesHandler   4-5-2020 19:27:21   35260 (0x89BC)
Sending ack to MTC for task with id: {5765FC35-3260-49E1-B701-3BD7CC28A197}   UpdatesHandler   4-5-2020 19:27:21   35260 (0x89BC)
Job ({6304CF71-18C2-4338-A372-C1EAC5E643A6}) already connected, start processing   UpdatesHandler   4-5-2020 19:27:21   35260 (0x89BC)
Initiating Scan. Forced = (0)   UpdatesHandler   4-5-2020 19:27:21   35260 (0x89BC)
Successfully initiated scan for job ({6304CF71-18C2-4338-A372-C1EAC5E643A6}).   UpdatesHandler   4-5-2020 19:27:21   35260 (0x89BC)
MTC task with id {5765FC35-3260-49E1-B701-3BD7CC28A197}, changed state from 4 to 5   UpdatesHandler   4-5-2020 19:27:21   35260 (0x89BC)
No change in the handle state. Ignoring.   UpdatesHandler   4-5-2020 19:27:21   35260 (0x89BC)
Scan completion received for job ({6304CF71-18C2-4338-A372-C1EAC5E643A6}).   UpdatesHandler   4-5-2020 19:27:21   38904 (0x97F8)
Evaluating status of the updates for the job ({6304CF71-18C2-4338-A372-C1EAC5E643A6}).   UpdatesHandler   4-5-2020 19:27:21   38904 (0x97F8)
CDeploymentJob::InstallUpdatesInBatch - Batch or non-batch install is not in progress for the job ({6304CF71-18C2-4338-A372-C1EAC5E643A6}). So allowing install..   UpdatesHandler   4-5-2020 19:27:21   38904 (0x97F8)
No download info associated with update 84d06e66-dfad-44d4-b6f2-05012b3502be   UpdatesHandler   4-5-2020 19:27:21   38904 (0x97F8)
CDeploymentJob::InstallUpdatesInBatch - Resetting install flag to false as method is complete   UpdatesHandler   4-5-2020 19:28:17   38904 (0x97F8)
WSUS update (84d06e66-dfad-44d4-b6f2-05012b3502be) installation result = 0x80240017, Reboot State = NoReboot   UpdatesHandler   4-5-2020 19:28:18   33020 (0x80FC)
Update execution failed.   UpdatesHandler   4-5-2020 19:28:18   33020 (0x80FC)
Starting non batched updates processing   UpdatesHandler   4-5-2020 19:28:18   7496 (0x1D48)
CDeploymentJob::ExecuteUpdates - Batch or non-batch install is not in progress for the job ({6304CF71-18C2-4338-A372-C1EAC5E643A6}). So allowing install..   UpdatesHandler   4-5-2020 19:28:18   7496 (0x1D48)
Executing the updates for the job ({6304CF71-18C2-4338-A372-C1EAC5E643A6}).   UpdatesHandler   4-5-2020 19:28:18   7496 (0x1D48)
CDeploymentJob::ExecuteUpdates - Resetting install flag to false as method is complete   UpdatesHandler   4-5-2020 19:28:18   7496 (0x1D48)
Execution completed for the job ({6304CF71-18C2-4338-A372-C1EAC5E643A6}).   UpdatesHandler   4-5-2020 19:28:18   7496 (0x1D48)
Requesting MTC to delete task with id: {5765FC35-3260-49E1-B701-3BD7CC28A197}   UpdatesHandler   4-5-2020 19:28:18   7496 (0x1D48)
Successfully sent job ({6304CF71-18C2-4338-A372-C1EAC5E643A6}) success completion to the SdmAgent   UpdatesHandler   4-5-2020 19:28:18   7496 (0x1D48)
Deployment Job not found for the supplied MTC Task id: {5765FC35-3260-49E1-B701-3BD7CC28A197}   UpdatesHandler   4-5-2020 19:28:18   35260 (0x89BC)
CompleteJob received from SDM.   UpdatesHandler   4-5-2020 19:28:18   38904 (0x97F8)
Complete - Job ({6304CF71-18C2-4338-A372-C1EAC5E643A6}) Cleanup.   UpdatesHandler   4-5-2020 19:28:18   38904 (0x97F8)
Deleting FullAndExpress file at C:\WINDOWS\CCM\Temp\Delta_84d06e66-dfad-44d4-b6f2-05012b3502be   UpdatesHandler   4-5-2020 19:28:18   38904 (0x97F8)
CompleteJob - Job ({6304CF71-18C2-4338-A372-C1EAC5E643A6}) removed from job manager list.   UpdatesHandler   4-5-2020 19:28:18   38904 (0x97F8)

These are the first that go bad like this.
Hopefully you can help me with this.