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Topics - cmacnichol

I just noticed today when I went to enable Adobe Acrobat Reader that the Updates tab has the option to add an MST File.  However, the COnfigMgr Apps tab does not, it is grayed out, for the same product.

Is there a reason for this?  Or if you are using the EXE Install, which actually appears to be the case, can you add the MSI Install option?  Shouldn't be too hard to extract the MSI from the installer for the base install version as well.

We have customization that we apply through the MST during install that we currently cannot add.
I think this was brought up before, but it has been a while.  Has the Amazon Workspaces application been reviewed recently to see if it is possible to disable the Auto update notification?  I am still packaging this one normally as a user application due to this.  Installing as System just causes issues as users keep trying to update it when they cannot.