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Topics - Frank


We have a problem with the new SQL Server Management Studio V18 15.0.18369.0 update, we are getting an error code 0x87D00668
The Update is installed but it wil stay with the status required in SCCM and wil try to reinstall at the client side and failing with error 0x87D00668.

Could you please advice? and are we the only ones with this problem?

I really like your product, what i like the most is the ability to work with the publisher and add Pre/post scripts.
but for Adobe Acrobat and Adobe acrobat reader the rightclick features are greyed out in the publishing console.
The only thing i can select is publish updates and republish updates, the rest is greyed out.
is this normal? and if so are there any feature update in development to address the issue, or am i doing something wrong?

i do use the pre/post scripts for chrome and Java, and this works like a charm.
I have searched the documentation and forum, but couldn't find anything relevant about this, so i'm thinking its my fault, but can't seem to find whats wrong.