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Topics - nwcjcd

Trying to publish both the 32-bit and 64-bit versions of Filezilla 3.66.5. Almost immediately returns an error saying the updates failed to publish.

Going to the URL in the snippet starts downloading the installer.

Thank you

Here is a snippet from the log:
Download file: 'https://download.filezilla-project.org/client/FileZilla_3.66.5_win32-setup.exe'; failed.   FileDownloader   2/13/2024 1:14:42 PM   7064 (0x1B98)
==================== Exception Detail Start =======================   FileDownloader   2/13/2024 1:14:42 PM   7064 (0x1B98)
Exception type: WebException   FileDownloader   2/13/2024 1:14:42 PM   7064 (0x1B98)
Exception HRESULT: -2146233079   FileDownloader   2/13/2024 1:14:42 PM   7064 (0x1B98)
Exception Message: The remote server returned an error: (403) Forbidden.   FileDownloader   2/13/2024 1:14:42 PM   7064 (0x1B98)
Exception source UpdatesPublisher.BaseServices    FileDownloader   2/13/2024 1:14:42 PM   7064 (0x1B98)
Exception TargetSite Void MoveNext()   FileDownloader   2/13/2024 1:14:42 PM   7064 (0x1B98)
Stack:    at Microsoft.UpdatesPublisher.BaseServices.WebClientWrapper.<DownloadAsync>d__17.MoveNext()
--- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
   at System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw()
   at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)
   at Microsoft.UpdatesPublisher.BaseServices.FileDownloader.<DownloadFileAsync>d__11.MoveNext()   FileDownloader   2/13/2024 1:14:42 PM   7064 (0x1B98)
===================== Exception Detail End ========================   FileDownloader   2/13/2024 1:14:42 PM   7064 (0x1B98)
Download Content: Failed to download file 'https://download.filezilla-project.org/client/FileZilla_3.66.5_win32-setup.exe';.   NormalPublishItem   2/13/2024 1:14:42 PM   8044 (0x1F6C)
--- Content retrieval has failed for software update 'FileZilla Client 3.66.5 (x86) (UpdateId:'f09e1197-6994-4d27-92e7-aac8ae7fc2a6' Vendor:'Patch My PC' Product:'SCUP Updates')'.   NormalPublishItem   2/13/2024 1:14:42 PM   8044 (0x1F6C)
--- Publish of software update 'FileZilla Client 3.66.5 (x86) (UpdateId:'f09e1197-6994-4d27-92e7-aac8ae7fc2a6' Vendor:'Patch My PC' Product:'SCUP Updates')' has FAILED.   NormalPublishItem   2/13/2024 1:14:42 PM   8044 (0x1F6C)

I am trying to publish an update for SecureCRT and it is failing when trying to publish. After checking the log and SCUP it looks like the download location for SecureCRT is pointing to the local drive of the server.

Here is the text from the error message in the log:
Download Content: Failed to download file '\\LocalHost\PatchMyPCRepository\scrt-x64-bsafe.'.
--- Content retrieval has failed for software update 'SecureCRT 9.3.1 (EXE-x64) (UpdateId:'b21ca7f9-4423-40df-b1ed-19090a1e0be1' Vendor:'Patch My PC' Product:'SCUP Updates')'.

I have also attached a screenshot of the update information from SCUP.

Thank you,


I am seeing an issue with both VLC 3.0.4 and Oracle Java 8 Update 191 not showing in SCCM. I have published the full content to SCCM but the applications are not showing and cannot be found. I have not seen an issue publishing Java or VLC to SCCM previously. Attempting to publish VLC or Java again result in SCUP advising that the updates have already been published.

See the attached log file for trying to re-publish the Java version 8 update 191 to SCCM. Any assistance that can be provided would be appreciated
Refreshed SCUP this morning to prepare for patching later this week and VLC version 3.0.4 and Java 8 Update 191 are not present. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.