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Topics - Xolem


I have desinstalled Onedrive from my PC because i'm using Google Drive.

The problem is that PatchMyPC still think Onedrive is on the system, so I tried the uninstall option from the app just to see if I could get rid of it definitely.

When I do that it prompts me to uninstall other apps that have nothing to do with Onedrive, namely :

- Driverscloud (driver scanner and updater)
- ODBC driver x86 + x64 for Windev v.20 and v.23 (Software development solution)

In total if i was to accept, it would uninstall those 4 apps mistakenly (see attached screenshots for more details)

I also added the following lines to the registry, to no avail :

reg add "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Patch My PC\Options" /v "DisableAutoCheck_Chk_OneDrive" /t "REG_SZ" /d "1" /f
reg add "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Patch My PC\Options" /v "Manual_Install_Chk_OneDrive" /t "REG_SZ" /d "1" /f
reg add "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Patch My PC\Options" /v "Skip_Chk_OneDrive" /t "REG_SZ" /d "1" /f

Which seems logical as Onedrive gets confused with those apps. No idea why.



Ok let me explain why i'm asking for that : I have 6 computers to keep up to date between home and work and a VERY shitty connection (the shittiest possible garbage ever, think 80's 56k but sold as ADSL for the price of optical fiber).

Today I started updating my first computer at home, 5 updates to download, fine. Did it.

Transfered the installers to second PC, started PatchMyPC with corresponding .ini file and launched the update, well there were already 3 new updates of other softwares.

Back to the loop on first computer, downloading again the new updates, transferring again to the second PC, and relaunch the updater.

This time no more updates, it ends, I rescan, 2 more updates appears...

Back to the loop, downloading, transfering, reapplying.

PC 2 done : Fiiiiiiouuuu at last, going to 3rd PC 5 meters away, 4 NEW UPDATES.

Called it a day before I threw the computers by the window.

So my request is the following : Would it be possible to push the updates all at once, so I can keep my mental sanity  :o ? Thank you in advance.  ;D
I have been creating a script to modify the registry entries, setting my own paths for the app downloads and portable apps etc...

The problem is that there is 3 values that always default back to false when I launch the program, even if I set them to true in the registry.

These problematic values that seems to be hardcoded and always rewrite themselves to false in the registry at program launch are :

- Visible_Panel_MiscellaneousApps (Always default back to false at program launch)
- Visible_Panel_MediaToolsApps (Same)
- Visible_Panel_GraphicsApps (Same)

Don't know if it is a bug or intended, but as the others panels are taking my own values, it looks like a bug to me.

I just noticed that the app Origin is not installing well on version

The download link is : https://eaassets-a.akamaihd.net/Origin-Client-Download/origin/live/OriginThinSetup.exe but then the program renames it "PatchMyPCITProCache\Origin" so with no extension it fails later when trying to update or install the app.

Should be "PatchMyPCITProCache\Origin.exe" I believe.