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Topics - kitley

I believe the log file for PMPC used to be saved to C:\ComputerName.rtf but it seems this is not longer the case. I have found the log file in %localappdata%\Temp\PatchMyPC.log but would like to move to a central location however I can't get it to work.
The main reason for moving is that when the Scheduled Task runs, it does so as SYSTEM user and I can find no log file created at all. Does it write a log when run as SYSTEM?
In another post I found a reference to the registry entry LogSaveLocation which I have attempted to set however it seems this is ignored by the software. I have tried a folder and left PMPC to set the filename and I have tried defining the full path and filename and whether run as SYSTEM or an admin user, the log is never created.
Please could you help. What am I missing?