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Topics - GVTMC

You've recently decided to move all your products to the Patch My PC/SCUP Update.
1) How can I reset my WSUS repository so the previous products are deleted and I only have Patch My PC ?
Do you have a script that could allow me to remove those previous products ?
To be clear, in the picture attached, you can see that 7-Zip product is published and I now find it in the Patch My PC product.

2) This change forces me to recreate/modify all my ADR rules to match your new organization. Do yo have a script that could do the trick for me ?
In the picture, here's an example of my original ADR rule for Google Chrome and the changes I have to bring in order for it to retrieve the new versions

Thanks for your help.
We've recently bought and installed PatchMyPC.
My architecture is fully HTTPS using latest 1706 SCCM version.
There's one SCCM server (Primary Site) and a Distribution Point.
We are using a proxy properly set to allow downloads.
I'm managing 1800 computers and they are all updating correctly. My Windows Update ADR are all working correctly.

I installed SCUP 2011 and added PatchMyPC catalog. I've published several updates to my WSUS server (on the SCCM server).
They are listed in my SCCM updates so up to here, no problem.

Here's my problem :
I create an ADR rule to publish one update and I have the error 0X87D20417 Auto Deployment Rule download failed.
Oddly, when I look for the update in the "All Software Updates" section and right click download on this update, it downloads and if I rerun the ADR, it's successful.

I don't understand why I get the error and what prevents me from making this work.

See the attached pictures if my explanation is not clear enough.

Thanks for your help.