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Topics - HCkev


I'm am a french speaker, and so most of my applications are installed using the french language when available. One thing that I find a bit annoying about PatchMyPC, is that it tends to always select the English language by default, so every time I use the application, I need to manually go to the Options tab, scroll down, and select French language. Otherwise, it will update everything in english, despite the application being initially installed in French. And then I need to manually uninstall and reinstall each apps with the appropriate language, which kind of defeats the purpose of using PatchMyPC.

I was wondering if there is a way for PatchMyPC to detect the installed language for each application and update accordingly? Or if this is too complicated to do, simply detect the system language and use that language by default (so if Windows is installed in French, the apps get updated using the french language, when available).

That'd be a very appreciated improvement.

Thank you, and keep up the good work!