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Topics - cstark

I'm trying to publish RealVNC 5.3.2 and it keeps failing. I noticed if I go to RealVNC's website to download the exe, it points to https://www.realvnc.com/download/file/vnc.files/VNC-5.3.2-Windows.exe I tried editing the Download URL to point there, but I still get the connection closed error.

Updates workspace: Starting publish wizard with 1 updates. Updates Publisher 8/22/2016 9:52:43 AM 1 (0x0001)
    Publish: Preparing list of selected updates for publishing. Updates Publisher 8/22/2016 9:52:46 AM 15 (0x000F)
    Connecting to a local update server with locally detected settings. Updates Publisher 8/22/2016 9:52:46 AM 15 (0x000F)
    Publish: Update server name: SCCM Updates Publisher 8/22/2016 9:52:46 AM 15 (0x000F)
    Publish: Publish operation starting for 1 updates. Updates Publisher 8/22/2016 9:52:46 AM 15 (0x000F)
    Publish: Publish: Verifying update server is configured with a certificate prior to publishing. Updates Publisher 8/22/2016 9:52:46 AM 15 (0x000F)
    Publish: Publish: Update server appears to be configured with a certificate. Updates Publisher 8/22/2016 9:52:46 AM 15 (0x000F)
    Building dependency graph for update 'RealVNC 5.3.2 (UpdateId:'2f22094d-4fa1-4445-9add-c498f3ae9f65' Vendor:'RealVNC' Product:'RealVNC')' Updates Publisher 8/22/2016 9:52:47 AM 15 (0x000F)
    No dependencies found for update 'RealVNC 5.3.2 (UpdateId:'2f22094d-4fa1-4445-9add-c498f3ae9f65' Vendor:'RealVNC' Product:'RealVNC')' Updates Publisher 8/22/2016 9:52:47 AM 15 (0x000F)
Found total of 0 dependencies (may include duplicates). Updates Publisher 8/22/2016 9:52:47 AM 15 (0x000F)
PublishItem: Update ''RealVNC 5.3.2 (UpdateId:'2f22094d-4fa1-4445-9add-c498f3ae9f65' Vendor:'RealVNC' Product:'RealVNC')'' has no dependencies. Updates Publisher 8/22/2016 9:52:47 AM 15 (0x000F)
PublishItem: Publishing update 'RealVNC 5.3.2 (UpdateId:'2f22094d-4fa1-4445-9add-c498f3ae9f65' Vendor:'RealVNC' Product:'RealVNC')'. Updates Publisher 8/22/2016 9:52:47 AM 15 (0x000F)
PublishItem: --- Evaluating software update 'RealVNC 5.3.2 (UpdateId:'2f22094d-4fa1-4445-9add-c498f3ae9f65' Vendor:'RealVNC' Product:'RealVNC')' for publishing as FullContent. Updates Publisher 8/22/2016 9:52:47 AM 15 (0x000F)
PublishItem: Item 'RealVNC 5.3.2 (UpdateId:'2f22094d-4fa1-4445-9add-c498f3ae9f65' Vendor:'RealVNC' Product:'RealVNC')' is already published on the update server without content, it will need to be revised adding content. Updates Publisher 8/22/2016 9:52:47 AM 15 (0x000F)
PublishItem: --- Software update 'RealVNC 5.3.2 (UpdateId:'2f22094d-4fa1-4445-9add-c498f3ae9f65' Vendor:'RealVNC' Product:'RealVNC')' needs to be revised to add full content. Updates Publisher 8/22/2016 9:52:47 AM 15 (0x000F)
PublishItem: Retrieving content for update 'RealVNC 5.3.2 (UpdateId:'2f22094d-4fa1-4445-9add-c498f3ae9f65' Vendor:'RealVNC' Product:'RealVNC')'. Updates Publisher 8/22/2016 9:52:47 AM 15 (0x000F)
PublishItem: --- Content will be saved to C:\Users\smsadmin\AppData\Local\Temp\\jksiadww.ooc\VNC-5.3.2-Windows.exe. Updates Publisher 8/22/2016 9:52:47 AM 15 (0x000F)
Download file: https://www.realvnc.com/download/binary/1902/ failed with message "The underlying connection was closed: An unexpected error occurred on a send." Updates Publisher 8/22/2016 9:52:47 AM 15 (0x000F)
PublishItem: Download Content: Failed to download file 'https://www.realvnc.com/download/binary/1902/'. Updates Publisher 8/22/2016 9:52:47 AM 15 (0x000F)
PublishItem: --- Content retrieval has failed for software update 'RealVNC 5.3.2 (UpdateId:'2f22094d-4fa1-4445-9add-c498f3ae9f65' Vendor:'RealVNC' Product:'RealVNC')'. Updates Publisher 8/22/2016 9:52:47 AM 15 (0x000F)
PublishItem: --- Publish of software update 'RealVNC 5.3.2 (UpdateId:'2f22094d-4fa1-4445-9add-c498f3ae9f65' Vendor:'RealVNC' Product:'RealVNC')' has FAILED. Updates Publisher 8/22/2016 9:52:47 AM 15 (0x000F)
PublishProgress: Publish operation completed. Updates Publisher 8/22/2016 9:52:47 AM 15 (0x000F)