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Topics - MPangersis

Hello, is anyone else having issues with the latest Dell Command Update 5.2.0 installing via Intune? When 5.1.0 was released back in November it upgraded on all our nearly 600 devices with no issues. 5.2.0 was released last week and it is a 100% failure rate. Possibly this is a conflicting process issue? In the following log file:


I see this entry referenced a couple times:

[Fri Feb  2 07:28:20 2024]   
--- End of Vendor Software Log ---

[Fri Feb  2 07:28:20 2024]   Vendor Software Return Code: 1603
[Fri Feb  2 07:28:20 2024]   *** RemoveDirectory() has reported failure.  The error message reported by the system is:  The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process.
[Fri Feb  2 07:28:20 2024]   Name of Exit Code: DEP_HARD_ERROR
[Fri Feb  2 07:28:20 2024]   Exit Code set to: 4 (0x4)
[Fri Feb  2 07:28:20 2024]   Result: FAILURE
[Fri Feb  2 07:28:20 2024]   Name of Exit Code: DEP_HARD_ERROR
[Fri Feb  2 07:28:20 2024]   Execution terminated at date-time Fri Feb  2 07:28:20 2024
[Fri Feb  2 07:28:20 2024]   ######