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Topics - maravia

Appears there is a typo in the path for downloading the latest version of Notepad++. The error shows it has an extra 'e' at the end.

Patch My PC | Definitions: 17-May-2022 | 5/17/2022 2:32:43 PM
Failed to get download information for Notepad++ 8.4.1 (x64) Download URL: https://github.com/notepad-plus-plus/notepad-plus-plus/releases/download/v8.4.1/npp.8.4.1.Installer.x64.exee

I copy and pasted that sans the extra 'e' and was able to manually download the package for installation.
A feature should be added to allow a user to specify whether or not to decline bundled software. I have UnChecky installed and running, however tonight's update of AnyVideoConverter added additional software to my machine anyways. While the software 'SpyHunter' appears harmless, the fact I had an application snuck onto my machine that required it to be rebooted after removal [modified system files] is extremely aggravating.