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Topics - diedjee

In Belgium, in order to use the services our government, we use our eid (electronic id card).
The government releases software to help the process of authentification on the internet.
This way we can request and file documents, enter our taxes...

So you will probably understand that safety is paramount while entering this sensitive data.
Having the most recent version installed decreases the risks.

So will you consider including this software?


(The software needs Java. I don't know whether it will correctly install without Java installed...)
Inkscape is a vector based drawing program.

It is a free, open-source alternative to Adobe Illustrator.

The program has quite some features and should be interesting to a lot of Windows users.
This program is really helpful for administrating your system.

Especially to people who really want to run scripts written for linux on their windows computer.

I've done some research and the installer has a silent (-q,--quit-mode) and update (-g,--upgrade-also) switch.
When installing a newer version of Java, the older version of Java remains installed on the system.
Wouldn't it be wonderful if an option would exist to automatically remove the outdated version?
OpenOffice has almost no developers anymore maintaining it.
People should migrate to LibreOffice.

Would you be considering to include Python 3?
Report Bugs and Issues (Free Home Updater) / uTorrent
August 21, 2015, 09:09:07 AM
PatchMyPc wanted to update uTorrent.

The installation of uTorrent required manual intervention for setting the language.

Shouldn't it automatically pick the system language?

Best regards
