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Topics - Chenz0

Gerring an update prompt from Patch My PC but the programs internal updater says the program is up to date.
Wondering if it will/can be added to the list. Have been using the full version for a week now. Not bad. Much better than the original.
Winaero Tweaker for windows. Similar to Ultimate Windows Tweaker but has a few more options.

General Questions (Free Home Updater) / Avast update
September 05, 2017, 12:03:11 PM
  Patch my PC says there is an update to Avast Free. I checked for updates through the Avast update interface and it says it's up to date. Any thoughts?
Hi! Whenever i start PatchMyPC i get a notification that "gacutil.exe" is being blocked by one of my detection programs. Can't tell which one yet. working on it. I have MalwareBytes Pro, Avast Free, Cripto Monitor, Cripto Prevent and SpyBot Anti-Beacon installed. No problems till today. Notice comes up in Windows Notification Box in lower right of the screen but doesn't give me any info on which program is doing the blocking. PatchMyPc seems to work fine anyway. Detects and updates programs just like before this started. What is, "gacutil.exe?"
Patch My PC keeps trying to update Firefox. The problem is it's trying to install the German version. I ended up having to DL the new version and install it manually.
P.M.PC says that ccleaner needs to be updated, but when it tries the update fails and I get a message from windows that ccleaner is not compatible with win 10. So I went to the website, DL'ed the installer and installed it manually with no problem. I have run ccleaner and it works fine. Registry editor and cleaner. Windows still working fine after. I know this is probably a windows problem. Just wondering if anyone else is having a problem.

   There is an option to keep the installer files after installation in the options tab. I would like to know, where are these files saved and is there any way to change the save location. GREAT PROGRAM and thanks for answering all these questions!
java 8 update 31 comes up red on patch my pc indicating it needs to update but it say's that no updates are selected.