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Topics - caricas


/Silent is not working version
/Auto works fine.

22/07/2022 14:21:47 - Patch My PC Started
22/07/2022 14:21:47 - Patch My PC running with command line option: /s
22/07/2022 14:21:47 - Checking connection to patchmypc.com
22/07/2022 14:21:47 - Verified connection to patchmypc.com. Status Code: 200
22/07/2022 14:21:47 - Getting latest definitions from patchmypc.com
22/07/2022 14:21:47 - Definition load completed in: 0,10 seconds
22/07/2022 14:21:47 - Patch My PC version is running. The latest is
22/07/2022 14:21:47 - Performing scan of installed applications
22/07/2022 14:21:48 - Scan completed in: 0,44 seconds
22/07/2022 14:21:49 - Starting to perform updates silently since /silent switch used

It stays stuck on that everytime with /silent or /s

Can someone help ?

Can you add a complete Dark Theme to the software ?

Thank you.