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Topics - acen01947


I have PMPC flavor, and I used it to install Adobe Acrobat Reader DC 22.003.20282 a couple of days ago.

When I light up PMPC, the left hand column shows "Reader" as NOT installed (I am color blind. I have "black" designated as not installed software).

Yet, the product IS on my PC and functioning.

Anybody else have a similar happening?

Thanks a bunch.
Hi Guys

Today, 03-11-2022, in the early afternoon here in the USA (central time zone), I stared at a message from iTunes about a NEW update to be installed (12.12.3)

I canceled out of the iTunes update and went to your product. Guess what? Your product did NOT recognize iTunes update (showed

Went back to iTunes and installed the product. Went back to Patch My PC and guess what? Your product recognized the NEW update! Interesting! However, left hand column still has old data.

Thought I would pass this along to you (maybe you were NOT aware that something is amiss).

Anyhow, love your product; keep up the good work.

General Questions (Free Home Updater) / Color
February 28, 2022, 12:28:18 PM

I am a new user of your product (YOU have replaced Iobit Driver Booster) and I LOVE YOUR PRODUCT!

However, I am color blind (shades of Red & Green)!

Would it be possible to offer a settings choice to change the color scheme so that I can figure out what is what? Would help greatly.

Thanks for listening...
