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Messages - samuel.olsson

Quote from: Dan Gough on May 08, 2024, 02:28:52 AMI have done some further testing around this - if the original source MSI (where it was installed from) and the cached MSI (from C:\Windows\Installer) are no longer available, then trying to uninstall it with just the filename will not work and you'll get a 1612 error.

I have just found a much simpler way, which is to add REINSTALLMODE=v to the command line when uninstalling. Any of these will recache the MSI:

msiexec /i app.msi /qn REINSTALLMODE=v
msiexec /fv app.msi /qn

Or you can also add it to the uninstall:

msiexec /x app.msi /qn REINSTALLMODE=v

If you are using PSADT, then you can run:

Execute-MSI -Action Install -Path 'app.msi' -SkipMSIAlreadyInstalledCheck -AddParameters 'REINSTALLMODE=v'
Execute-MSI -Action Repair -Path 'app.msi' -RepairFromSource $true
Execute-MSI -Action Uninstall -Path 'app.msi' -AddParameters 'REINSTALLMODE=v'
This worked brilliantly! Thanks a lot for your efforts, Dan!
Quote from: Dan Gough on May 08, 2024, 02:28:52 AMI have done some further testing around this - if the original source MSI (where it was installed from) and the cached MSI (from C:\Windows\Installer) are no longer available, then trying to uninstall it with just the filename will not work and you'll get a 1612 error.

Yeah, I stumbled upon the exact same issue today, but solved it by reinstalling from a new source and then uninstalling.

Quote from: Dan Gough on May 08, 2024, 02:28:52 AMI have just found a much simpler way, which is to add REINSTALLMODE=v to the command line when uninstalling. Any of these will recache the MSI:

msiexec /i app.msi /qn REINSTALLMODE=v
msiexec /fv app.msi /qn

Or you can also add it to the uninstall:

msiexec /x app.msi /qn REINSTALLMODE=v

If you are using PSADT, then you can run:

Execute-MSI -Action Install -Path 'app.msi' -SkipMSIAlreadyInstalledCheck -AddParameters 'REINSTALLMODE=v'
Execute-MSI -Action Repair -Path 'app.msi' -RepairFromSource $true
Execute-MSI -Action Uninstall -Path 'app.msi' -AddParameters 'REINSTALLMODE=v'
I will most definitely try this. Thank you!
Hi Dan,
Thanks for trying to help!
I tried your fix. Unfortunately it's still looking for the msi file in the old location even after changing the path in that reg key.
I've searched through the registry for other places where that SourceList might be found and changing the path ther as well. Still no luck.
I was wondering how these actions are performed when calling for RemoveMSIApplication in PADT.
Reason I ask, is that I'm trying to change the value returned as LastUsedSource to point it to a different location.
Thanks in advance!