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Messages - CODRyan

I have placed many Patch My PC application installs into our organization's task sequence and all has been working perfectly until just recently today.  A colleague has been imaging several laptops today when suddenly they all started failing on the step to install Microsoft Edge.  There was an apparent point in time where the step passed just fine and then started failing consistently despite no changes being made.

To my surprise, I found that the install was failing with a 1603 error due to a newer version already being installed.  I had no idea that any updater services would be running during an OSD task sequence, but it would seem that Edge is updating itself before the machine gets to the step in the task sequence to install the package that was published by Patch My PC.  This newer version won't be pulled down until the scheduled synchronization later this evening, so the task sequence attempts to install an older version than what's installed and is seen as a failure which halts the task sequence.

What would be the recommended workaround for this scenario?

EDIT: This is regarding an OSD Task Sequence in ConfigMgr
Thanks again for tracking this!  Hopefully it'll be smoother sailing moving forward with them.
Thanks for this update and for the awesome support so far!
This is interesting - in my further testing, if I run our installer on a machine that does NOT have ImageGlass already installed the installer seems very insistent on installing on a per-user basis like you are observing.

However if the machine has an existing version installed, in our case v8.10.9.27, the installer will update to v9.0.7.1125 as a system wide install with the shortcuts being created in C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs and C:\Users\Public\Desktop.

It also appears the program's handling of default user settings has changed for the worst as well.  You used to be able to be able to modify and deploy the igconfig.default.xml and igstartup.profile files in the Program Files directory to deploy default settings but now it's creating a file called "igconfig.json" in the user's LocalAppData upon first launch and as far as I can tell it's built on-the-fly as opposed to being copied. 

I'm not sure if this is helpful, but just sharing in case it is!
If I download the msi from ImageGlass and use our pre-existing bat file to install the software it installs as a system-wide install... However, it appears that on first launch it notifies the user that .NET Framework 8.0 is required if it's not already installed.  What fun!
Quote from: Spencer (Patch My PC) on November 28, 2023, 02:03:12 PMHello!

Thank you for reaching out to support! Are you deploying this update via ConfigMgr/WSUS or Intune?


Spencer Cruz

We are deploying via ConfigMgr/WSUS.  For context, we are a new user in a trial period so this would be an initial deployment of updates to our machines.   I've done some more digging since I created this post and it seems that, as far as I can tell so far, all other applications are updating as expected except for ImageGlass.  On the machines that have run the install package from Patch My PC, the old version of ImageGlass ( is still installed on the machine however there is an entry being created in the registry under HKLM\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\{7F2A05C2-0D37-47F0-AA9D-C49FCED53B33} with all of the associated values as if is installed.  Despite those keys being present in the registry, there is only one instance of ImageGlass listed in Installed Appplications (

Let me know if there's any other information that could be helpful! 
Machines with v8.10.9.27 are seen as "Already Compliant" and do not install the update to