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Messages - TJ

It is a supported product: XK72 Ltd -> Charles (x64)  :)

The app does install but during the installation it doesn't create an desktop icon or start menu item. And the firewall rules aren't set. So a user without admin rights cannot use the program (if they ever find it...)

I've mailed you the requested log files.
I'm referring to Charles Proxy from Patch My PC. Installation from MECM. Attached is the installation log.

All the other applications work without any problem
There is a problem with the installation. It doesn't create any desktop icon or start menu item and the firewall rules aren't set during the installation.

Can someone confirm this problem?
We had a MSSQL crash and the latest backup we had was from 1 month ago of the SCCM DB.

Is there anything we need to check before running PatchMyPC again?
Will PatchMyPC recreate the software?
Do we need to delete the sources?
The update failed with the following error code: 0x87D00669
Just tested the Visual Studio Code update, this installed perfectly.

Starting ScriptRunner (V2.1.14.0) with 3 argument(s)
Current culture info name is: nl-BE
Running as NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM (Admin)
Working directory: C:\WINDOWS\SoftwareDistribution\Download\Install
System path is C:\WINDOWS\System32
Argument #1 is: /MainFile=OBS-Studio-29.1.2-Full-Installer-x64.exe
Inspects argument: mainfile=obs-studio-29.1.2-full-installer-x64.exe
MainFile is: OBS-Studio-29.1.2-Full-Installer-x64.exe
Argument #2 is: /MainArg=/S
Inspects argument: mainarg=/s
MainArg is: /S
Argument #3 is: /ShortcutFileName=OBS Studio
Inspects argument: shortcutfilename=obs studio
ShortcutFileName is: OBS Studio
Update installation mode requested.
Looking if update installation process need to be aborted due to running process
No need to abort due to the running processes
Running update file: OBS-Studio-29.1.2-Full-Installer-x64.exe with arguments: /S
Update file has run, exit code is: 6
Running update file: OBS-Studio-29.1.2-Full-Installer-x64.exe with arguments: /S finished with Elapsed Time: 00 minutes 00 seconds 787 milliseconds
Searching for shortcuts in public profile desktop
5 shortcuts in public profile desktop
List of shortcuts found: [Adobe Acrobat.lnk],[Adobe Creative Cloud.lnk],[Logi Options+.lnk],[Network Tool.lnk],[TeamViewerQS.lnk]
No shortcut has been deleted in public profile desktop
End of Script Runner. Exit code is: 6

Going to search using WSUS update source.
Synchronous searching of all updates started...
Successfully completed synchronous searching of updates.
1. Update: 7ca5d022-9ac1-4743-ba74-f25b79808047, 1   BundledUpdates: 0
1. Update (Missing): OBS Studio 29.1.2 (x64) (7ca5d022-9ac1-4743-ba74-f25b79808047, 1)
Async installation of updates started.
Update 1 (7ca5d022-9ac1-4743-ba74-f25b79808047) finished installing (0x80070643), Reboot Required? No
Async install completed.
Installation job encountered some failures. Job Result = 0x80240022.
Installation of updates completed.