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Messages - FrankvdH

This is change made by Notepad++. I'll see if I can remove the old registry on the workstations using a script.
It isn't like that.
Notepad++ is succesfully updated. The issue is what registry is being updates but the old registry is staying in place.

After implementing PatchMyPC we have over 150 devices which now have 2 registry keys for Notepad++.
Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\{84AB9486-65EF-402E-B061-B128FBCEF91B} which contains the values upto version 7.9.1
and HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Notepad++ which contains version 8.5.2.
I would expect that the old registry would be removed after the update, but thats not the case.
I'm not sure if it's caused by PatchMyPC or a change at the Notepad++ side.Was hoping to get some clarification or input that other have same issue.
Hi Support,

PatchMyPC updates Notepad++ for us automatically. Our security portal is currently reporting that all our devices have an old version installed.
If I look in Control Panel I see 7.9.1 is installed (which is incorrect). Because if I open Notepad++ version 8.5.2 is installed.

Microsoft Security Portal and the Control panel are looking to the following registry hive.

I can see another hive in the registry which contains the new information.

I informed Microsoft about the change in the registry. But what still bothers me is that the eventhough the update is being done Control panel doesn't show both versions or updates it. The newest version isn't installed or so it seems (but it is).