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Messages - Brownrp92

Hello All,

I have the same scenario but am trying to test an install with the JAVA 8 package, at this time I am using the "Modify command line" feature with "/s INSTALLDIR=C:\Temp\jretest /L C:\Temp\javasetup.log" as my argument. I first pull all files out of .cab to a folder in my temp directory, and run "C:\Temp\WSUSContentPull\PatchMyPC-ScriptRunner.exe" (with and without /installpackage) but am not seeing anything being completed.

Note* package.xml does not exist until the first time I run script runner, I have made several attempts after that file was created.

Package.xml contents

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="true"?>








Due to the length of time it takes to move these files between online and offline WSUS, I want to see it work in our Online environment.