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Messages - Judical


Anyone else running in to this issue? I don't know if its an issue on the PMPC side or the Chrome side. Every time a new Chrome patch gets pushed our service desk gets inundated with tickets about Chrome being slow. If anyone knows the cause of this or has a fix please let me know.

Thank you for the response. I just wasn't sure if putting 150 updates in to 1 update group and pushing them out to all workstations would cause issues. It will definitely be more work to find out which updates are failing with a group so large but I'll give it a go after patch Tuesday.
Yes, I use ADRs. They are setup for our most used applications, my concern is just all of the rest. Should I just deploy them out to all machines or create collections for each program?

Sorry if this was already asked but I could not find it. When people deploy updates are they just deploying all updates to all workstations? I have created collections for the most widely used applications but it will get very tedious creating collections for the applications that are only on 5-20 machines. Please let me know what other people are doing for this.
