The current default value in the install command line is "/S /InstallationType=AllUsers". I am wondering if there is a way I can change that to install for current user only. I know that I change that in the Package.xml file, but I believe that will be overwritten when the package is updated to a newer version. And is there way I can create two different packages for the same application(one install for user, other one for all users/system/machine) and keep them updated with Patch My PC?
Hi Failau007,
If you are using the Publisher, there is no way to create multiple Packages for the Same product.
I can't recommend altering the package that PMPC builds as that is unsupported and could lead to some undesired outcomes.
If you need to create a USER Context installation of Anaconda, the Recommendation would be to do this as a Custom App.
There you could make another Application package and setup the desired Settings.