For the past few months (since implementing PMPC), Adobe updates have been consistently erroring out. It gives the error- Reconfiguration success or error status: 1603.
I can run the .msp fine from the C:\WINDOWS\SoftwareDistribution\Download\Install and it installs without issue.
I don't know if others are running into the same issue of where the msp will install fine outside of SCCM/PMPC or if it's just me. I was hoping it would resolve itself but it's not doing so.
Hi exhaustedtech74,
Error 1603 translates to "fatal error during installation", which is not very helpful.
To investigate this further, we would need some logs.
Please collect these logs from an impacted device and open a support case ( with us:
- %WinDir%\CCM\Logs\PatchMyPC-ScriptRunner.log
- %WinDir%\CCM\Logs\PatchMyPCInstallLogs - send us the recent Adobe Acrobat installation logs you can find. This log will reveal the true cause of the fatal installation error. If the log doesn't exist, then you'll have to enable logging. (