I understand that the Acrobat 64-bit installer contains the components for Acrobat Reader as well as the support for Acrobat licensed versions. I would like some understanding of how this version could be used to deploy to our environment in a fashion where users with an Acrobat Pro license would be able to use this version via some form of automation. Finding minimal information from Adobe, so if anyone has direction it would be appreciated.
If you deploy the Adobe Acrobat Reader x64, if your users has a CC license for Pro, they should be able to just select 'Sign In' and the installation will upgrade it self to 'Pro'
There is also an option available if use the 'Unified Installer' of Acrobat x64 to allow 'Reduced Mode'.
[HKLM\SOFTWARE\Policies\Adobe\Adobe Acrobat\DC\FeatureLockDown] bIsSCReducedModeEnforcedEx = 1 (dword)
Thanks, Michael! More questions. Do the command switches referenced in the Adobe article you provided work with PatchMyPC? So far, I have been a little disappointed with Adobe's docs on this. What I was looking for was whether PatchMyPC's Acrobat 64bit unified install contains the upgrade files to upgrade to Pro (if or if not the proper command switches are used).
Bump. Should I open a ticket for help with this? I was looking to use some of the command switches adobe lists in their docs for the Acrobat unified installer.. See here: https://www.adobe.com/devnet-docs/acrobatetk/tools/AdminGuide/singleinstaller.html
This is the part I am looking to add:
Optional components for 64-bit installs
Verify you're adhering to the Product compatiblity upgrade matrix.
Run the following:
Setup.exe /sAll /msi ADDLOCAL=OptionalFeatures,DistillerCJKNative,DistillerCJKSupport,PaperCaptureOptional,
I am assuming I would add this to Modify Command Line? Will it work? If so, the issue is that I do not seem to be able to add lines that long (there is no character limit specified on the GUI), and I might also not be certain if it would work.
The idea here would be to install (but not activate) the optional components embedded in the local installer rather than relying upon the upgrader to download the Acrobat Std/Pro content from Adobe.
Re-Bumping, I guess. I tried to add this to the modify command line, but it doesn't add it to the /msi switch, which it would seem Adobe needs. I am really hoping there would be a way to do this, as this Continuous installer doesn't seem to cache the Acrobat Pro components even though the AcroRdrDCx642400420272_en_US.exe compressed file does contain the needed AcroPro.msi to install Pro. As such, the installer downloads the content from adobe when you sign in. If it could do the optional component switches, it should cache those so it's not pulled from Adobe. The main issue is, I have been seeing the downloader adobe uses is a bit buggy and visibly throws an error during the upgrade process from Reader to Pro. Not great from an end-user perspective. Throw me a bone?
Hey iamr00t,
Apologies, I've missed the notifications from this thread. Let me read through your responses and get back to you.
Hey iamr00t,
QuoteDo the command switches referenced in the Adobe article you provided work with PatchMyPC?
Regarding this question, No. That's because the 'Installer' for the Reader products are not the 'Unified' installer.
QuoteThe main issue is, I have been seeing the downloader adobe uses is a bit buggy and visibly throws an error during the upgrade process from Reader to Pro. Not great from an end-user perspective.
This is interesting. I haven't heard this issue before regarding the download being buggy.
QuoteThe idea here would be to install (but not activate) the optional components embedded in the local installer rather than relying upon the upgrader to download the Acrobat Std/Pro content from Adobe.
Right now the only 'PatchMyPC' way to do this would be to create a 'Custom App' of the Unified Installer with the switches you want, but will probably also require a Post-Script to set the 'bIsSCReducedModeEnforcedEx' registry Value so that it can run in 'Reader' mode.
This would allow you have Acrobat installed and support both Pro/Reader. And our 'Pro' Updates should update this version as well.
Let me know if this gets you on the right track. If you need some additional Assistance, PM me.