I'm receiving below error message when i try to download DUO Device Health (MSI). Can you please check and let me know the reason for this?
The hash of file downloaded is different than the file hash in our catalog. Hash errors happen when vendors release updates that aren't available in our catalog yet. This error should be resolved in the next catalog update. It could also have been induced by a firewall issue. Additional details: Downloaded Hash [GTg3nvVDNnyJK458yoT9MnToYsI=] Catalog Hash [DPVddpE9GAJHU9+SZUJCBni7mdY=]
https://dl.duosecurity.com/DuoDesktop-latest.msi (https://dl.duosecurity.com/DuoDesktop-latest.msi) is still returning DuoDesktop-7.0.0.msi with a SHA1 of 1938379ef543367c892b8e7cca84fd3274e862c2 here, which matches the one in our catalog.
Are you seeing a different file with a manual download of the same URL?
Actually when I try to enable the Duo desktop through the PMPC app and I start a manual sync, I see the above error in the log.
It is still trying to download the previous version.
If your Publisher is trying to download an older version than 7.0.0, then something's not quite right - please could you open a support case via https://patchmypc.com/technical-support (https://patchmypc.com/technical-support)?
Today it started syncing and created the Duo Desktop 7.0.
The hash error is due to the uploaded file being different from the version in the catalog, most often because the vendor has updated the file and the catalog has not yet had time to update. (https://sloterman-hu.com/)I had such a problem, it was not solved for a long time and I also contacted Duo support.