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Microsoft Configuration Manager and Intune (Enterprises/Paid) => Support and General Questions (Enterprises Using ConfigMgr and Intune) => Topic started by: Stefan Koch on October 08, 2024, 06:48:39 AM

Title: Download error of Windows Desktop Runtime 6.0.33 x86
Post by: Stefan Koch on October 08, 2024, 06:48:39 AM
Hi PatchMyPC Team

We get a download error when it PmP tries to create the ConfigMgr App for Windows Desktop Runtime 6.0.33 x86.
The x64 version worked.

The error we get:
An error occurred WebClient reported an error during download ( Unable to read data from the transport connection: The connection was closed. [System.IO.IOException] HResult: -2146233079

We can download the .exe manually, so the internet connection should not be the issue.

Can you confirm that the issue is not on PmP side?
Title: Re: Download error of Windows Desktop Runtime 6.0.33 x86
Post by: Andrew Jimenez (Patch My PC) on October 08, 2024, 01:37:48 PM
I would still suspect a firewall block in this situation.

The publisher uses the .net built-in browser to download content (which is equivalent to IE) and the downloads occur as SYSTEM. So in order to accurately test the download, you would need to do so as SYSTEM, using either IE, or PowerShell. We've seen many times that firewalls will block downloads from the SYSTEM account specifically.