Since the installer for Tableau is now locked behind a form and PMPC is unable to automatically download the application to update the app in Intune, I manually downloaded the installer and put it in the local app repository but recieve an error saying "The digest of the local content file does not match the expected one." The name seems to match what is expected based on the right click info on the Tableau desktop latest app.
Hello mdigrego!
Would you be able to confirm that the file description / Product name for the file you have in your local content repository match: Tableau 2024.2 (20242.24.0807.0327)
This information can be found by right clicking on TableauDesktop-64bit-2024-2-2.exe > Properties > Details Tab.
We currently match the hash value for the build 20242.24.0807.0327
Hi Chris!
Attached is the details pane of the installer that I am putting in the local repository:
Hmm, that one likely has a different hash.
Try this one:
Hi Chris,
That one seemed to work, thanks! For future reference, where should I be downloading the insaller from? Also, are there any updates on PMPC's ability to automatically retrieve the updated installers for Tableau without users manually downloading it? I noticed that the link you shared was not behind a paywall/fillable form so wondering if that means progress has been made?
The vendor has been changing their policy and download locations frequently.
In the past, the link above has blocked specific headers that prevented our publisher from downloading it. We run everything under the SYSTEM context, so the request gets blocked. When you use your browser, different headers in the request allow it to pass through normally.
We are continuing to evaluate options for this specific application. Hopefully, we can soon transition it back to automatic download.