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Microsoft Configuration Manager and Intune (Enterprises/Paid) => Report Update/App Install Issues (Enterprises Using ConfigMgr and Intune) => Topic started by: tjacobs42 on September 06, 2024, 12:01:35 AM

Title: Citrix Workspace LTSR -> 24.2.1000.1016: How to Update VC++ Runtime?
Post by: tjacobs42 on September 06, 2024, 12:01:35 AM

the upgrade of Citrix Workspace LTSR fails, because the Installer tries to Download Visual c++ Runtime 8.x during install - which fails in our environment. Is there any possibility to bundle the VC++-RTE with the update package?


Code (PatchMyPC-ScriptRunner.log) Select
<![LOG[Running update file: CitrixWorkspaceApp24.2.1000.1016.exe with arguments: /AutoUpdateStream=LTSR /AutoUpdateCheck=manual /silent /noreboot DONOTSTARTCC=1 /ALLOWADDSTORE=N /AutoUpdateCheck=disabled  ALLOWSAVEPWD=N EnableCEIP=false]LOG]!><time="07:36:20.025576" date="09-06-2024" component="PerfTimerLogger" context="" type="1" thread="1" file="">
<![LOG[Update file has run, exit code is: 72029]LOG]!><time="07:38:20.034136" date="09-06-2024" component="ScriptRunner" context="" type="1" thread="1" file="">
<![LOG[Running update file: CitrixWorkspaceApp24.2.1000.1016.exe with arguments: /AutoUpdateStream=LTSR /AutoUpdateCheck=manual /silent /noreboot DONOTSTARTCC=1 /ALLOWADDSTORE=N /AutoUpdateCheck=disabled  ALLOWSAVEPWD=N EnableCEIP=false finished with Elapsed Time: 02 minutes 00 seconds 010 milliseconds]LOG]!><time="07:38:20.043112" date="09-06-2024" component="PerfTimerLogger" context="" type="1" thread="1" file="">

Code (C:\Program Files (x86)\Citrix\Logs\CTXPreRequisiteInstallLogs-20240905-101104\CtxInstall-DotNetCoreInstaller-20240905-101104.log) Select
[3784:4780][2024-09-05T10:11:27]w343: Prompt for source of package: NetCoreDesktopRuntime_x86, payload: NetCoreDesktopRuntime_x86, path: C:\Program Files (x86)\Citrix\Ctx-9A81D8CA-C8C7-4B57-AC55-388F793C55C2\redist\windowsdesktop-runtime-8.0.6-win-x86.exe
[3784:4780][2024-09-05T10:11:30]i338: Acquiring package: NetCoreDesktopRuntime_x86, payload: NetCoreDesktopRuntime_x86, download from:
[3784:4780][2024-09-05T10:11:51]e000: Error 0x80072efd: Failed to send request to URL:, trying to process HTTP status code anyway.
[3784:4780][2024-09-05T10:11:51]e000: Error 0x80072efd: Unknown HTTP status code 0, returned from URL:
[3784:4780][2024-09-05T10:11:51]e000: Error 0x80072efd: Failed attempt to download URL: '' to: 'C:\WINDOWS\TEMP\{2753EE6C-08DB-4EEC-A407-5431478929D1}\NetCoreDesktopRuntime_x86'
Title: Re: Citrix Workspace LTSR -> 24.2.1000.1016: How to Update VC++ Runtime?
Post by: Liviu (Patch My PC) on September 06, 2024, 12:28:30 AM
Hi Torsten,

Yes, you could package up Visual C++ Runtime (it's available as an app in the PMPC list of supported apps).
Once packaged, edit the Citrix Workspace app and configure a dependency with auto-install for the newly Visual C++ Runtime.

You might want to do that for .NET Core too, here is a list with all of the prerequisites Citrix documented (

Finally, a quick tip.
You didn't specify if you are using ConfigMgr or Intune.
If you are using Intune, open the PMPC Publisher console --> go to the "Intune Apps" tab --> Options --> enable the "Update application dependencies..." option.
With that setting enabled, when future versions will be packaged by the PMPC Publisher, the dependency will be carried over.
Title: Re: Citrix Workspace LTSR -> 24.2.1000.1016: How to Update VC++ Runtime?
Post by: tjacobs42 on September 10, 2024, 11:48:32 PM
Hi Liviu,

thanks. That's working with the application creation. We use SCCM with PMPc Publishing Service.

Mainly I have the problem with "updates" part: here I do not have the possibility to make a dependency to other updates, right?

Title: Re: Citrix Workspace LTSR -> 24.2.1000.1016: How to Update VC++ Runtime?
Post by: Liviu (Patch My PC) on September 11, 2024, 12:36:50 AM
Hi Torsten,

It works for updates too using a PMPC feature, but it requires some manual work.

You can right-click on the Citrix Workspace within the PMPC Publisher Updates tab, then choose the "Add custom pre/post scripts (" right-click option.

You can then insert a Pre-Script (it can be a PowerShell or batch script for instance) and specify your files (these can be the installers for dependencies).
Your script should then check if the prerequisites are installed, and if not, install them.

We don't have such a script, so you will have to write it yourself.
This option requires manual work, as you will have to update the prerequisites installers whenever there is a new version.

Another workaround would be this:

1. Create a collection with devices that should get Citrix Workspace installed only.
2. Create a separate ADR and deploy Visual C++, Edge WebView Runtime and .Net updates to the collection from step 1.
Or you could use ConfigMgr Apps to deploy the software to that collection.
3. At a later time, run the ADR that deploys the Citrix Workspace Updates.

This way, the prerequisites from step #2 would install before the Citrix Workspace updates, so the prereqs will be met.