We have noticed that 'Azure Data Studio 1.49.0' has been published twice, first 31st of July, second 7th of August
We found the info in your feed about the 'source hash changes' but it was Microsoft who has changed it without any notification or it hasn't been fully downoloaded by PMP first time?
We do not see anything anywhere on MS site about the change in the source files.
Main question here is: Is the version which has been published on July 31rd usable? or shall we delete the package and the update and use this latest recent one?
We are scanning daily and we have already started deploying this version from 31st of July.
Grzegorz Mazur
Hey Gregor,
Thank you for reaching out to support with your query.
The Vendor removed the download URL and replaced it with another one with a new hash!
I would suggest you delete the older package and use the latest published one.
okey, thank you for the information, 1.49.1 has been released by MS anyway so I think you can close it.
Hey Gregor,
Thank you for the update.