A little history: Sharefile was spun off from Citrix and is now owned by Cloud Software Group and is hosted on www.sharefile.com
In PMPC Publisher, Sharefile for Outlook is still listed under Citrix as "Citrix Files for Outlook" - this entry will bring down version, released 4/17. This is also the latest version still available on the Citrix site, even though the download link in Publisher points to sharefile.com
The newest version of Sharefile for Outlook is available here: https://dl.sharefile.com/sfo-msi and is version, released 7/1
Can someone look into updating the process for Sharefile for Outlook?
Thanks for all the great work you guys do!
Hey there!
Thank you for the heads-up! We were still monitoring the other "Citrix Files" website! no wonder we haven't got any updates notifications! 😅 We will update both today! Thank you again!