Patch My PC appears to rename the installation files it downloads. Although the names given often provide more clarity regarding what the file is (at least as compared to the filename when the file is manually download from its site -- i.e., "Notepad++ 8.6.8 (x64).exe" vs "npp.8.6.8.Installer.x64.exe"), I'd like to request that an Option be added to the program, so that it will maintain the file's original name when it is downloaded. Many thanks!
This is one of the improvements that we have already done in the next version of the home updater :) And it will be available soon!
Thanks for the request. For new app requests, we are shifting things over to our ideas portal:
There is a category called "Home Updater (Apps)" where you can request new apps for Home Updater. If you would like to see this added, could you please submit an idea there instead?