Can someone point me toward a KB that shows the command line arguments for inputting a license key into a Patch My PC packaged app? I tried every search I could think of, and nothing. Thanks,
Hi Jeff,
The command-line arguments will differ per application. If you need to add command-line arguments, use the right-click option "Modify Command Line" as referenced here:
Note that you only need to put the additional command options there.
For Snagit for example, you would just add: TSC_SOFTWARE_KEY=LICENSEKEY
Thank you, Andrew. I appreciate the comment about SnagIT. I am trying to do that one and Camtasia.
Happy to help! Camtasia's is the same.
You can usually find the command line needed by searching for the product name + silent install on your favorite search engine.
I found Camtasia's here:
Wow, Andrew. Thanks again!!