Is anyone able to suggest a working solution to deploying a large volume of application updates without having a significant impact on Autopilot deployment?
We tested the suggestion of blocking apps via ESP but that doesn't seem to have any impact on the problem. If we have 40 application updates being deployed it would seem it still runs through the detection method to see whether they are applicable in an uncontrollable order. We end up hitting timeout limits or the process becomes a terrible experience for the user.
Other suggestions such as setting a custom attribute post-enrolment for use in a dynamic group would solve the initial enrolment problem but not work in the event we fresh start the device.
Its the same issue as described here which never really got a resolution but hoping someone can offer a working process as this is really a fundamental feature.
Jake gave you a very good suggestion and a article about ESP:
That is really all we can suggest at this time, we try to keep this forum open for support issues with the supported products not publishing into the different environments. Reddit does have a number of posts around this:
As I mentioned previously neither of these suggestions actually help in practice. I already went the route of a support ticket to PMPC and was told its out of scope so this really was me trying to reach out to see if any other PMPC customers have developed working solutions.
Also interested in this as a general point.
If you're doing user driven Autopilot and have "Block device use until required apps are installed if they are assigned to the user/device" in your ESP profile set to the apps you want to be installed instead of all, the other PMPC updates shouldn't process during Autopilot and this should be a non issue as far as I'm aware.
I don't think the above really applies if you're using pre-provisioning though.
We would be interested in a better answer, as well. We made a group that was excluded from all updates but that is just a workaround and requires its own process or automation.
What was the outcome when the user reached out through a support ticket to PMPC (presumably some IT/software platform)?
Users have reported that adjusting ESP timeout settings and carefully managing application deployments can mitigate timeout issues. For instance, increasing the ESP timeout duration has been suggested to accommodate longer installation processes. Drive Mad (
Hello there,
As others have suggested, you can configure the required apps during Autopilot in ESP. Reducing the number of apps will help minimize the Autopilot duration.