Hi All,
We're currently working on the transition from EndNote 20 to 21 and want to know how others are handling this transition, especially with the installation of the new software and plugins and the removal of the old software and plugins.
Is it as simple as setting EndNote 21 as the supersedence and everything else is taken care of?
Many thanks,
Hello Rowan! You can use the following command line to install EndNote 21 without the EndNote Click browser plugin: msiexec /qn /i EN21Inst.msi USERNAME="<Your_Username>" PIDKEY="<Your_Product_Key>" ADDLOCAL=ALL REMOVE=EndNoteClick.
To uninstall EndNote 20, you can use the following command line: MsiExec.exe /X {86B3F2D6-AC2B-0020-8AE1-F2F77F781B0C} /qn ALLUSERS=1 REMOVE="ALL".
Hi John,
The issue is more with the removal of the EndNote plugins which aren't always a part of the uninstallation process, looks like I'll need to do some testing on it.
Hey Rowan,
Let me check this internally with the team, and we will update you on this.