HI there IT-Wikinger,
I'm sorry to hear that, you can click on the button "Collect logs" found on the bottom of the "General" tab, that will generate a .zip file with the relevant server side logs, you can then e-mail that over to us at
[email protected] and we can have a look what can be happening there. Ideally you would also send us client side logs, if you have the option "Manage installation logging" enabled, their default location is either:
This may be found in the %ProgramData%\PatchMyPC\ if the Install was initiated by the user from Software Center.
This may be found in the %temp% of the user who clicked 'Install' in Software Center if it was an 'Available' deployment.
This may be found in the %ProgramData%\PatchMyPC\ if the Install was initiated by the user from Company Portal.
Note: Some Patch My PC log files listed above may be found in %WinDir%\CCM folder if that folder exists.