The latest update seems to have removed the URLs of the products that failed to download. Some domains are blocked for security reasons and I have to download them from a secure machine, however, with the logs file no longer showing the URL of the software it tried to download, this task has been made significantly more difficult.
I even submitted a feature request last year: (, in an attempt to try and improve what we had before, by including the URLs in the email report for better visibility. Instead, it's been made worse and I'm left searching for random bits of software to get them downloaded and patched.
I'm losing all the time PMPC is meant to be saving me.
Yeah, i noticed that too in the latest version
Since the SCCM site server at our site has partially internet connection (mostly microsoft only) it needs some manual intervention for some applications, but now you have to dig up the URLs from {PMPINSTLOC}\Latest Catalog\PatchMyPC.xml
Hey Bernards,
Apologies for the delayed response.
Can you please confirm if the issue is with a specific apps or for all the apps you have seen the same behavior if it gets failed ?
I'll check internally with the dev team, if there are any changes made in the latest release of the publisher which is preventing it to not show the url.
Appreciate your cooperation and support on this.
The issue is for each application which the url is not reachable by the SCCM Site server.
We normally dont hook up our internal servers directly to the internet, but for specific services we use limited access filters in our firewalls, mostly microsoft cloud services related. for the applications with blocked URLs I keep an eye on the result mails and do some manual intervention picking up the URL and doing the download manually
Pretty much every application without direct connection do not report the download URL any more since this release.
Here is another example
Searching CitrixWorkspaceApp22.3.5000.5107.exe in D:\Sources\Software\PatchMyPC_Licensed or one of its subfolders... LocalContentManager 11/1/2023 7:01:42 PM 20 (0x0014)
Cannot find CitrixWorkspaceApp22.3.5000.5107.exe in the local content repository. LocalContentManager 11/1/2023 7:01:42 PM 20 (0x0014)
Configured Download Timeout: 15 minutes and 0 seconds WebClientEx 11/1/2023 7:01:42 PM 20 (0x0014)
WebClient reported an error during download: The underlying connection was closed: An unexpected error occurred on a send. FileDownloader 11/1/2023 7:01:43 PM 64 (0x0040)
A web error occurred while downloading the file: SendFailure FileDownloader 11/1/2023 7:01:43 PM 20 (0x0014)
Removing download job 81faa6fa-75e2-4176-9078-d1beab946b23 [CitrixWorkspaceApp22.3.5000.5107.exe] from the processing queue. QueueManager 11/1/2023 7:01:43 PM 20 (0x0014)
Hey Bernards,
Thank you for comfirming that.
I've reached to the team internally and it is known issue with the latest release from the publisher. Our team is working on it to get it fixed.
Many customer have reached out to us with similar known behavior.
Hope that helps.
Great :)
In the mean time to make my life easier I made a small powershell script for easier viewing the catalog and dump the selected lines into a csv
## This Script quickly lists the download URI and more of each PatchMyPC package in easy readable format.
## CopyRight (c) NRG ITS
## Author: M.A. Bernards
## Date: 11/9/2023
## Version: 1.0
# Slurp in the PatchMyPC XML data into an object stream
$LatestCatalog = "C:\Program Files\Patch My PC\Patch My PC Publishing Service\Latest Catalog\PatchMyPC.xml"
[xml]$Xml = Get-Content $LatestCatalog
# Iterate the catalog items and create a new object stream
$result = foreach ($Item in $xml.SystemsManagementCatalog.SoftwareDistributionPackage ) {
'Title' = $Item.LocalizedProperties.Title
'CreationDate' = $Item.Properties.CreationDate
'OriginUri' = $Item.InstallableItem.OriginFile.OriginUri
'SupportUrl' = $Item.Properties.SupportUrl
'MoreInfoUrl' = $Item.Properties.MoreInfoUrl
'KBArticleID' = $Item.UpdateSpecificData.KBArticleID
'SecurityBulletinID' = $Item.UpdateSpecificData.SecurityBulletinID
'MsrcSeverity' = $Item.UpdateSpecificData.MsrcSeverity
'UpdateClassification' = $Item.UpdateSpecificData.UpdateClassification
# 'CVE' = $Item.UpdateSpecificData.CveID Als listed in Description, need conversion to string from system.Object[]
'Description' = $Item.LocalizedProperties.Description
# Send it to a readable gridview and dump a CSV with selected items
$result | Out-GridView -PassThru | Export-CSV -NoTypeInformation -Path "$PSScriptRoot\PatchMyPCDownloads.csv"
"Created $PSScriptRoot\PatchMyPCDownloads.csv"
# $result | Export-CSV -NoTypeInformation -Path "$PSScriptRoot\AllPatchMyPCDownloads.csv" # Full Dump
As we work to resolve the bug to display URLs in alerts/logs, please know you can right click any product in the Publisher UI and select "Show package info" which will also show the download URL. Thanks