Watching the publishing service log, everything seems good during a sync. However, at the end of the sync, I get several messages that say:
intuneenabled was not reported properly. limitedtelemetry = '0'
wsus_database_type = '1'
intune_enabled = '1'
intune_code_signing = '0'
intuneadr = '1'
version_reported = ''
dotnet_version = '528049'
auto_update = '1'
next_sync = '2023-10-05 15:04:13' Telemetry 10/5/2023 9:40:31 AM 7 (0x0007)
The message repeats itself with a different first word:
intunecodesigning was not...
autoupdate was not...
intuneadr was not...
intunemultitenancy was not...
allowintunepublishing was not...
pausepublishing was not...
allowsccmpublishing was not...
allowsuspublishing was not...
apiconnectiontest was not...
These errors done *seem* to be causing any problems, but I'd like to know for sure, and what (if anything) I can do about them.
Hi Korebreach,
These are just overly verbose telemetry activities. They have no bearing on the functionality of the tooling. I hope that helps?