ok it appears that PMPC is not updating Cisco Webex client on several of my devices. these are a mix of system and user installs. Will PMPC handle the user install update for this or is this out of scope for updates. i see them both in the HW inventory and PMPC is discovering it in the PatchMyPC-SoftwareDetectionScript.log. but the software is not being updated.
Any thoughts or ideas are welcomed.
Hi there mpotase,
We kindly ask you to send over some log files to
[email protected] for us to be able to give you proper support on your specific situation, we ask of you to pull the logs listed below from a client where updates are failing to install:
%WinDir%\CCM\Logs\PatchMyPC-ScriptRunner.log (If exist)
This may be found in the %ProgramData%\PatchMyPC\ if the Install was initiated by the user from Software Center.
You need to run Get-WindowsUpdateLog on Windows 8.1 and newer in PowerShell.
And the ones below from the server side:
Looking forward to review your log files :)
Any update on this? It'd be hugely beneficial for PMP to approach this broadly instead of case-by-case. I'm unable to patch per-user installs of WebEx.