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Microsoft Configuration Manager and Intune (Enterprises/Paid) => Support and General Questions (Enterprises Using ConfigMgr and Intune) => Topic started by: greggoor on September 22, 2023, 04:28:45 AM

Title: MindManager 22 22.2.366.0 (EXE-x64) - additional parameters issue
Post by: greggoor on September 22, 2023, 04:28:45 AM
Hey PMP Team,

We are having an issue to properly configure additional parameters for 'Mindmanger 22' application.

The exe installer contains MSI inside, The hardcoded arguments by you are "/clone_wait /S /v/qn" so after adding additional public properties for MSI installation (using right click option in the publisher) command looks like this:

MindManager_64bit_22.2.366_redist.exe /clone_wait /S /v/qn LICENSEKEY=XXXX-XXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX USERNAME=USER /l*v c:\logs\failed_installation_from_PMP.log
This won't do anything, exe installer won't even unpack the MSI as it has an issue with the syntax. In the scriptrunner log there is an error 1203.

I have tried to install it silently on my own using same installer and your arguments and imho command syntax needs to be adjusted, something like below is doing the job ok:

MindManager_64bit_22.2.366_redist.exe /clone_wait /S /v"/qn LICENSEKEY=XXXX-XXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX USERNAME=USER /l*v c:\logs\succesfull_install_from_pmp.log"
/v - is telling the exe that next quoted string are the properties/args for MSI

I know that there is an MSI available without the the exe file which could be used but is not present in the publisher maybe it is worth considering it

Grzegorz Mazur

Title: Re: MindManager 22 22.2.366.0 (EXE-x64) - additional parameters issue
Post by: Ben Whitmore (Patch My PC) on September 22, 2023, 10:27:16 AM
Thanks for the info Grzegorz. Please allow us a little time to review and we will let you know our findings :)
Title: Re: MindManager 22 22.2.366.0 (EXE-x64) - additional parameters issue
Post by: Hugo Marinho (Patch My PC) on September 25, 2023, 02:49:52 AM
Hi there Gregorz,

Thank you for submitting this post.

So on this specific case we cannot modify the default command line to include one " because then the ending " would be missing and also if we actually include both of them, then you would not be able to add the license key manually on that specific argument you would still have to add another, also if we change the default command line that change would apply to all PMPC customers and some might not want to push a license key directly and only do so on a user basis, so the solution here for you is to simply pass the /v/qn argument again, whatever arguments are passed using the "Modify command line" will always take precedence over the arguments we pass by default, so the solution here for you specifically would be too click on the "Modify command line" and enter:
/v"/qn LICENSEKEY=XXXX-XXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX USERNAME=USER /l*v c:\logs\succesfull_install_from_pmp.log"

Hope to have helped.

We wish you a rest of a great week ahead :)
Title: Re: MindManager 22 22.2.366.0 (EXE-x64) - additional parameters issue
Post by: greggoor on September 25, 2023, 03:38:07 AM
HI Hugo,

it worked, thx! I suggest mentioning it somewhere in your KB cause looking into your 'scriptrunner.log' it is misleading when trying to analyze the issue on your own.

That's how the syntax looks like in 'scriptrunner.log'

Running application install: MindManager_64bit_22.2.366_redist.exe with arguments: /clone_wait /S /v/qn /v"/qn LICENSEKEY=XXXX-XXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX USERNAME=USER /l*v c:\logs\logname.log"
So the params are doubled and when you do not know how the 'scriptrunner wrapper' behaves it is sometimes difficult to narrow dwon the issue.

anyway thank you for quick answer.

Title: Re: MindManager 22 22.2.366.0 (EXE-x64) - additional parameters issue
Post by: greggoor on September 25, 2023, 03:39:42 AM

Right click option 'Manage Installation logging' in this case is greyed out, but you could pass here logging argument for MSI ;) (I believe I could find some other packages as well with similar issue)

Just a thought for future consideration