We are looking at PMP as a possibly solution to patch 3rd party apps.
Right now we are using a standalone on-prem WSUS server with a downstream WSUS server (replica mode) in our DMZ to patch clients that work remotely (no vpn).
Will PCP work w/ this setup?
Hi gzrock,
Yes, Patch My PC will work with that setup. You will need to make the updates show on the downstream WSUS as well, though. We do have a script that can help with that: https://github.com/PatchMyPCTeam/CustomerTroubleshooting/blob/Release/PowerShell/Set-PatchMyPCUpdateVisibility.ps1
We'd be happy to show you how the Patch My PC Publisher integrates with WSUS in a demo. Please feel free to schedule a call with us at your convenience: https://patchmypc.com/schedule-live-demo.
I hope that information was helpful. Please let us know if you have any further questions.
Thank you Priscilla, that is good to know and very helpful!
Another question, does it matter what kind of DB the WSUS servers are using? Are Upstream is SQL and Downstream is WID.
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Hi gzrock,
As for the DB's, it doesn't matter but SQL is more performant, WID has some memory limitations which might be hit and then you will see some degraded performance depending on how many clients are phoning in and using WSUS.
Hope to have helped.