Wondering if anyone could shed light on a mystery. We have GitHub 2.27.0 (x64) in Config Mgr and Intune. I see in the email notifications from PMPC that the application was updated on April 10, 2023.
But then we also have a GitHub 2.5.0 (x64) that appeared in Config Mgr and Intune on April 11, but I see nothing in the PMPC email notifications about this version, but the summary in Config Mgr says the app was created by PMPC. In looking, I see that the two applications were created by different versions of PMPC.
One other weird thing was that the deployment wasn't to any of our production collections, just some random test collection.
Wondering if anyone had any info about GitHub CLI version 2.5.0. Thanks!
Hey there, The behavior sounds very odd. Can you send us the support logs please so we can investigate further? Just hit "Collect Logs" on the General tab and post them here >> https://patchmypc.com/technical-support (https://patchmypc.com/technical-support)
Thanks ;)
Thanks, Ben. Will post the logs to the site you noted momentarily.
8) Thanks!