It looks like a new version of Right Click Tools client - 5.1.2303.1708 - was released on 4/5. Any idea when this will be added to the Patch My PC catalog? Thank you.
Hey there, thanks for bringing this to our attention. I have alerted our catalog team to try and get this into todays catalog release. Thanks again for the heads up!
Thanks for the quick response!
We ended up not shipping this update today, we are confirming with the vendor that this release is safe for wide deployment, as there is a note on the release notes page:
PLEASE NOTE: Version 5.1.2303.1708 is not currently recommended for Endpoint Insights customers. (https://docs.recastsoftware.com/help/recast-software-version-5-1-2303-1708)
We plan to ship this Monday if the vendor confirms that the app is safe to install for most customers.