Update failing to install on all machines in our environment.
Thanks for reaching out to Support! I took a look at the MSI log and all i'm seeing is the following:
MSI (s) (1C:84) [08:45:00:504]: Unable to delete the file outside of the engine. LastError = 2This
usually means "File Missing" - This could be a transform file that is in reference in the command line.
To better understand the issue, can you please send the following client-side logs to
[email protected]:
Intune Logs:
SCCM Logs:
Once we have them, we'll update you with next steps! If you're unable to send the logs through normal email methods, then please upload them here:
I too am having an issue. I had 23.0.3 installed and then pushed 23.1.0 to the device. I receive an Intune failure message and no snag-it installed. I'm currently going back and installing 23.0.3, grabbing the logs and then pushing 23.1.0 and grabbing the logs.
Thanks, dhwatts for the info! I'm testing this in my lab now with both the EXE and MSI versions to see if there are any issues with the detection logic.
Please still send logs over for review, I will update with my findings as well!
Hi Spencer,
Thinking it was having a snag-it package issue, I deleted the app in Intune. I then have been having a heck of a time getting that package rebuilt. To recap, I had Snag-it 23.0.3 installed and then tried to run the full installer for 23.1.0 and it failed. I have uploaded the logs.
If you're using a transform file (MST), you must create a new one.
Seems there was a slight change in tables. My transform from 23.0.3 spit out an error if used with 23.1.0.
There's a new option "Hide Product Key" available.
You can get the configuration/creator tool from here:
FabianSz you are a genius. You're 100% correct, after creating a new MST snag-it 23.1.0 installed properly.
Thank you for posting the fix!
Thanks All, I can also confirm creating a new MST file does the trick!
You're welcome :-)
Registered only to post this 8)
Hey Fabian,
Thanks for the update, glad this issue has been resolved! I will inform our internal engineering team so they can assist other customers who may run into this issue as well. 8)