Has anyone figured out how to install additional languages for the Adobe Acrobat Reader DC Continuous MUI (x64) app in PatchMyPC? I've tried a command-line parameter of LANG_LIST=es_ES and LANG_LIST=en_US,es_ES and neither installs anything but the default English.
Strangely enough, if set Application Language to "Choose at application startup" in Acrobat Reader itself, there's
no dialog allowing you to choose another language when you restart it.
We have not tried this ourselves, have you tried specifying both the Language to install as well as the transform?
https://www.adobe.com/devnet-docs/acrobatetk/tools/AdminGuide/language.html#pre-deployment-configuration (https://www.adobe.com/devnet-docs/acrobatetk/tools/AdminGuide/language.html#pre-deployment-configuration)
Thanks Andrew. I finally got it working, though not sure what changed. Anyway, for others who come across this:
In Intune Apps, choose the MUI version. Choose Modify command line, and enter LANG_LIST=<language code> For example, to install US English and Spanish, it would be LANG_LIST=en_US,es_ES. Supposedly LANG_LIST=ALL will install all languages, if you have a need for that.
These are the supported languages, according to the MSI file table as of the date I posted this: