This has been going on for some time. In essence this is the problem - a typo in the URL:
Note the double slash in the URL: ... osdn//crystal ...
Typing this into Google Chrome actually works, because the // is overlooked. However, PatchMyPC continually fails due to this error.
Replacing the // with / also works in Google Chrome, and I suspect would work in PatchMyPC
This is fixed now.
Unfortunately not fixed. Here are the failure messages dated today at 19:34:
Failed to get download information for CrystalDiskInfo 8.16.4 Download URL:
Also this one has appeared:
Failed to get download information for FileZilla Client 3.59 (x64) Download URL:
Do you use the latest release of PMPC and the latest definitions, see image attached?
Do I use the latest version of PatchMyPC? Yes, absolutely:
Program version (Updater):
Definitions: 08-Apr-2022
As of 30 seconds ago, double forward slash (//) is still invalidating the Crystal Disk update failure.
New definitions today, so another try?